Kebebasan Hakim dalam Melahirkan Putusan Progresif

  • Muhammad Akbar UIN Datokarama Palu
Keywords: Judge’s Freedom, Progressive Law Verdict, Law Procedure, Indonesian Law


Determining a decision is not easy and sometimes gives a difficult position for a judge, determining a judge's decision is required to carry out the technical juridical and procedural implementation of legislation. Therefore it becomes important to determine the conditions that must be owned by a judge related to his freedom in making progressive decisions. This research is a literature study to explore indicators that can produce a progressive decision that must be owned by a judge. The indicator that must be possessed is the independence of a judge, which is based on moral and ethical integrity, the transparency aspect of decisions is also a picture of freedom and progressiveness, besides that professionalism and intellectual ability are absolute requirements that are part of the basic things that a progressive judge must have.


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How to Cite
Akbar, M. (2023). Kebebasan Hakim dalam Melahirkan Putusan Progresif . Bilancia: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Syariah Dan Hukum, 17(1), 155 - 170.