Author Guidelines

Papers are invited from anywhere in the world, and so authors are asked to ensure that sufficient context is provided for all readers to appreciate their contribution.

General Guidelines

  1. Articles are written conceptual or results of the study of Islamic studies in a wide scope of the assessment, among others: Sufism and Islamic Mysticism, Islamic Philosophy,Islamic Theology, Islamic Thought, Quranic and Prophet Tradition Studies.
  2. The articles is the authentic research result that has not been published yet in other publication media.
  3. Articles accepted is written in standard Indonesian Language or English Language. Articles written in Indonesian or English standard with a space of 1.15 cm on A4 paper and sent in print form in 1 copies or sent via email to the address: 12 - 20 pages long article. Articles submitted no later than two months before the journal published.
  4. Articles comprises five main headings: Pendahuluan (Introduction); Metode (Method); Hasil dan Pembahasan (Findings and Discussion); Kesimpulan (Conclusions); Daftar Pustaka (References).
  5. The abstract in Indonesian and English up to 200 - 250 words, written in Times New Roman 11, single-spaced, written narratively comprising aims/objectives, method, and findings of the research/article, in one paragraph. On each abstract is followed by keywords (words or phrases which are important, specific, or representative to the article).
  6. Name the author of the article (with no academic degree, position or rank) shall be accompanied by correspondence name of the affiliation, country and email address.
  7. Reconciliation in the article using the model footnotes with attention to the peculiarities of reference referred to, such as books, translations, book -bound / volume, articles in anthologies , journal articles, articles in the encyclopedia , the article on the website (internet), articles in mass media (magazines or newspapers), thesis, dissertation, or scripture. As an example:
  1. Buku—Jamâl al-Bannâ, Na?w Fiqh Jadîd: Mun?aliqât wa Mafâhîm (Kairo: Dâr al-Fikr al-Islâmî, 1999), h. 23.
  2. Buku Terjemahan—Chalmers, A. F., Apa itu yang Dinamakan Ilmu? Suatu Penilaian tentang Watak dan Status Ilmu serta Metodenya, terj. Redaksi Hasta Mitra (Jakarta: Hasta Mitra, 1983), h. 26.
  3. Buku berjilid—Nadîm Marghalî dan Usâmah Marghalî, al-Murshid ilâ Kanz al-‘Ummâl fî Sunan al-Aqwâl wa al-Af‘âl, Vol. 1, ?adîth ke-2454 (Beirut: Muassasah al-Risâlah, Cet. Ke-3, 1989), h.121.
  4. Artikel dalam Buku—Sarjuni, “Anarkisme Epistemologis Paul Karl Feyerabend”, dalam Listiyono Santoso dkk, Epistemologi Kiri (Yogyakarta: ar-Ruzz, 2003), 155.
  5. Artikel dalam Ensiklopedia—Samsu Rizal Panggabean, “Dîn, Dunyâ, dan Dawlah” dalam Ensiklopedi Tematis Dunia Islam, Vol. 6 (Jakarta: PT Ichtiar Baru van Hoeve,, h. 50.
  6. Artikel dalam Jurnal—‘Abd al-Amîr Zâhid, “al-Khi?âb al-‘Almânî al-‘Arabî al-Mu‘â?ir: Târîkhîyatuh wa Bunyatuh al-Maw?û‘îyah” dalam al-Minhâj, Vol. 27 (Kairo: Muassasah al-Ahrâm, 2002), h.14.
  7. Artikel dalam Media Massa—Muhammad AS Hikam, “NU dan Gerakan Civil Society di Indonesia”, Suara Pembaruan, 03 Agustus 1994, h.1.
  8. Artikel dalam Internet—Hâshim ?âli?, “Jamâl al-Bannâ bayn al-I?lâ? al-Dînî wa al-Tanwîr” dalam 20-Juni-2008.
  9. Skripsi, Tesis, dan Disertasi—Thoha Hamim, “Moenawar Chalil’s Reformist Thought: A Study of an Indonesian Religious Scholar (1908-1961) (Disertasi--McGill University, 1996), h. 81.
  10. Kitab Suci: al-Qur’ân dan Injil—QS. al-Fâti?ah [1]: 4; Perjanjian Baru, Yoh. 20: 31.
  1. The references of the article are in the form of journals and non-journals which are published in the last 10 years.
  2. RAUSYAN FIKR Authors use Arabic-Indonesia translitaion guide, like this: ? ,(’) ? (b), ? (t), ? (th), ? (j), ? (?), ? (kh), ? (d), ? (dh), ? (r), ? (z), ? (s), ? (sh), ? (?), ? (?), ? (?), ? (?), ? (‘), ?(gh), ? (f), ? (q), ? (k), ? (l), ? (m), ? (n), ? (w), _ (h), ? (’), ? (y). To demonstrate sound long vocal (madd) with writing scribbles on letter â , î and û. The sound of the double vocal (cutted) Arab transliterated by merging two letters ay and aw, like layyinah, lawwâmah. Words ending in Ta' marbû?ah and serves as Sifah (modifier) or mu?âf ilayh transliterated with ah, like akhlâq karîmah, fa?â’il al-zakâh, while functioning as mu?âf transliterated with at, like jannat al-na‘îm.
  3. The articles should be written in the following GENERAL GUIDELINES.