(Suatu Kajian Normatif, Dialogis dan Koncergensif)

  • Muhtadin Mustafa
Keywords: Space for Dialogue, Tolerance, Needs


Humans cannot be separated from religion in society's social life. Based on this explanation, the aim of this research is how religious adherents open up space for dialogue based on tolerance. The methodology in this research is qualitative using library research, while the approach taken is a normative, dialogic, and convergence approach. The results of this research show that Islamic-Christian relations have lasted for centuries amidst various tensions and harmonization of life. However, they realize that religion is a necessity that is believed to provide a guarantee of safety and happiness. Therefore, every believer must be open and willing to dialogue with other people


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How to Cite
Mustafa, M. (2022). TATA KELOLA AGAMA DALAM KEHIDUPAN SOSIAL: (Suatu Kajian Normatif, Dialogis dan Koncergensif). ISTIQRA: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian, 10(1), 39-48. https://doi.org/10.24239/ist.v10i1.925