The problem examined in this study is how to internalize multicultural values in Islamic schools in this case Sdit Insan Gemilang Sigi as one of the Islamic schools in Indonesia, especially Sigi regency, Central Sulawesi. This study aims to determine how the internalization of multicutural values in Sdit Insan Gemilang Sigi. This study uses qualitative methods, where researchers went directly to the field to conduct interviews with principals, teachers, and students at Sdit Insan Gemilang Sigi. The results of this study indicate that the first, the existing learning curriculum at Sdit Insan Gemilang contains multicultural values as stated in the curriculum document, namely the pluralist-minded Pai curriculum which means explaining that Islam accepts (tolerant) to various ethnic, cultural, national, and religious diversity according to the reality of life, without sacrifice the principles of aqidah that are clear, firm, and final (qoth'i). Second, the internalization of multicultural values in this school can be seen from the assessment of social attitudes among students. Based on the results of interviews, students do not see differences in tribes, they are friends with all circles without discriminating, this shows that the multicultural spirit has been embedded from an early age in students. The statement was corroborated by a statement from the homeroom teacher as well as students from Sdit Insan Gemilang.
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