of International Conference on Islamic and Interdisciplinary Journal Systems<p>This conference is an attempt to gather Islamic and non-Islamic scholars to discuss the issue from their perspectives, covering:</p> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-1624f0e elementor-widget elementor-widget-text-editor" data-id="1624f0e" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type="text-editor.default"> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <ul> <li class="show">EDUCATION AND ISLAMIC KNOWLEDGE <br>This sub-theme may include education in digital era, Islamic education, teaching and learning, curriculum and teaching material, education management, leadership in education, sociology and psychology in education, basic and higher education.</li> <li class="show">ECONOMICS AND ISLAMIC ECONOMICS <br>This sub-them may include conventional and Islamic micro and macroeconomic, business, Islamic business, entrepreneurships, small and medium enterprises, banking, and other issues related to Islamic Insurance and services.</li> <li class="show">PHYLOSOPHY IN DIGITAL AGE This sub-theme may include such as theory of philosophy, new paradigm of history in digital age, general and Islamic philosophy.</li> <li class="show">COMMUNICATION, DAKWAH AND HUMANITIES This sub-theme may include such as Islamic communication, communication theory and practices, sociology and anthropology, languages and literature, politics, social welfare,and communities studies.</li> <li class="show">LAW AND ISLAMIC LAW This sub-theme may include such as positive and Islamic law, family law, criminal law, civil law, customary law, fiqih jinayah, siyasah, and other related Islamic law</li> <li class="show">SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY The themes may include the imlementation and the use of technology to ease of life, technology in islamic perspective, the cormecialism of technology, health, etc</li> <li class="show"> Other thems related to interdiplinary and multydiciplinary studies that oversight science form multiple perspectives</li> </ul> </div> </div> Role of Educational Philosophy in Character Formation Students in the Digital Era 2024-12-13T09:16:00+00:00Abdul<p>This study aims to explore the role of educational philosophy in shaping students' character in the digital era. Utilizing a qualitative approach and case study design, the research was conducted at Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Jadid. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, participatory observations, and document analysis. The findings indicate that educational philosophy plays a significant role in creating a learning environment that supports the development of students' character. The integration of philosophical values into the curriculum and the use of digital technology as a tool for teaching ethics and social responsibility strengthen the formation of positive character traits in students. Extracurricular activities designed based on educational philosophy also play a major role in applying values such as cooperation, tolerance, and justice in practical contexts. However, the study also identifies challenges in implementing educational philosophy, such as the lack of training for teachers in integrating technology with character education and the pressure to achieve high academic results. The implications of these findings suggest the need for balanced educational policies and adequate support for teachers to ensure the success of character education in the digital era. Thus, educational philosophy can be an effective tool for shaping a young generation that is not only intellectually smart but also possesses integrity and social responsibility.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Rahim Of Current Learning Theories In Pai Curriculum Development2024-12-13T09:16:01+00:00Dinda Yustika<p>Changes in behavior touch 3 domains of education in learners, namely the cognitive domain, the affective domain, and the psikmotor domain or better known as the domain of knowledge, the domain of attitudes, and the domain of skills. Therefore, it requires the situation and conditions of teaching and learning activities that support, available facilities, and so on must be adjusted to the educational objectives to be achieved. This study aims to determine the application of learning theory that teachers and students should know so that learning objectives can be achieved effectively and efficiently. This research is a “Library Research” with a research approach of text literacy and field phenomena. Methods and types of data collection by collecting journals that support the research theme. Data stages are from identifying and finding information relevant to the theme of learning theory and its relation to the PAI curriculum, then analyzing the findings. Data processing is carried out by conducting review activities, verification and reduction, grouping and systematization, and interpretation or interpretation so that a phenomenon has social, academic and scientific value. While data analysis in this study was carried out during and after data collection using descriptive-critical-comparative methods and content analysis methods. The result of the research is that teachers certainly want to always improve themselves, to improve the quality of learning, and convey teaching materials to students so that they can be understood. besides that the teachers want to make the teaching process functional, this means that a teacher must master how learning theories to know what is needed by students, as well as at the same time will help students develop themselves.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dinda Yustika Putri of the dichotomy of Islamic education2024-12-13T09:16:02+00:00Ismail Sa'<p>Education in the modern era is undergoing a very rapid development as a result of an increasingly unstoppable current of globalization. In the context of Islamic education, there is a significant dichotomy between religious education and general education. This research aims to trace the roots of the dichotomy of Islamic education and find solutions to unify the two areas of education. <br>The research method used is the library study, in which the author studies literature and writings related to the focus of the problem being studied. The results of the research show that this dichotomy is caused by three main factors: the very rapid development of science and specialization of science, the historical factors of the development of the Muslims, and the internal factors of Islamic educational institutions that are unable to carry out reforms.</p> <p>The first factor was the very rapid development of science, which led to the emergence of various branches of science. This specialization makes experts focus only on their own fields and tend to close themselves to other sciences, especially those related to Islam. The second factor is the historical factor, in which, since the time of Islamic decline, religious science has been regarded as a fardhu ain (individual obligation), while general science is considered a Fardhu kifayah (collective obligation). The third factor is an internal factor in Islamic educational institutions that are faced with a variety of complex problems, such as economic, political, social, and cultural.</p> <p>The conclusion of this study is that Islamic education should not separate between the science of religion and general science. The two fields of science should complement each other and be based on the teachings of Islam, which emphasizes that all science is rooted in religion. Thus, it is necessary to rehabilitate and reform the education of Islam to unite these two areas of science for the advancement of Islam as a whole.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ismail Sa'bani Role of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Using Learning Technology2024-12-13T09:16:04+00:00Moh Fajar<p>Technological advances have encouraged many changes to make learning more effective. Technology is also considered more effective and efficient and produces positive values for teachers and students. Technology is useful in the Islamic education learning process to maximize the teaching and learning process and increase students' understanding of what is taught by the teacher. Technology in Islamic education learning can help students understand the material taught by the teacher. This research uses a library research approach, library or literature study. Data collection in research is carried out by reviewing and/or exploring several journals, books or other information that is considered relevant.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Moh Fajar Saputra digital of era 2024-12-13T09:16:04+00:00Nur<p>In today's digital era, the development of information and communication technology has transformed various aspects of human life, including the way we think and interact. This article explores how philosophy can play a role in understanding these changes. The main focus of this study is the philosophical analysis from the perspectives of ethics, epistemology, and ontology in the digital context. In ethics, it discusses issues related to privacy, human rights, and digital responsibility. Epistemology explores how digital technology changes the way we acquire, process, and validate knowledge. Meanwhile, ontology examines the impact of the existence of the virtual world on the concept of reality. This study shows that philosophy has an important role in guiding the development of technology to align with human values. Through philosophical reflection, we can navigate the complexities of the digital era more wisely, ensuring that technological advances not only provide material benefits but also enrich human life as a whole.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Intan of Technology-Based Curriculum Development at the State Islamic University Datokarama Palu2024-12-13T09:16:05+00:00Sunardy<p>This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of technology-based curriculum development at the State Islamic University (UIN) Datokarama Palu. Utilizing a qualitative approach with a case study method, data were collected through interviews, observations, and document analysis. The findings indicate that the implementation of a technology-based curriculum enhances student interaction and participation in the learning process. However, challenges such as limited infrastructure and technological competencies among lecturers still pose obstacles. The study provides recommendations for improving technological support and training for lecturers to maximize the effectiveness of the technology-based curriculum.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sunardy Sunardy Use of Offline Internet as a Learning Media for Islamic Education at MA Alkhairaat Batusuya2024-12-13T09:16:06+00:00Anas<p>This study aims to examine the use of offline internet as a learning medium in Islamic Education at MA Alkhairaat Batusuya. This research adopts a qualitative approach using a case study method. Data were collected through observations and in-depth interviews with teachers and students, as well as document analysis. The results of the study indicate that the use of offline internet as a learning medium is effective in providing rich and varied materials. Students can access the learning materials provided by the teachers on the system. The main challenges faced are the limitations of devices and the lack of technical understanding among some teachers and students. Nevertheless, offline internet proves to be a useful alternative, especially in areas with limited internet access. The conclusion of this study shows that the integration of technology in the form of offline internet can enhance the quality of Islamic Education learning and facilitate broader access to learning materials for students in remote areas.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anas Anas Transformation: Integration Of Qur'anic Values In The Use Of Tiktok As A Medium For Improving The Understanding Of Fiqh Of The Generation Z2024-12-13T09:16:06+00:00Muhammad Shadiq<p>This study aims to explore the utilization of TikTok as a medium in improving fiqh understanding among Generation Z. With rapid digital transformation, TikTok has become a popular platform among Generation Z, offering opportunities to deliver educational material in an engaging and interactive manner. This study focuses on netizens' perceptions of the fiqh content presented by Teungku Sakhra on TikTok, as well as the integration of Qur'anic values in the use of TikTok as a learning medium. The results showed that TikTok can be an effective tool in religious education, attracting attention and facilitating active interaction between content creators and audiences. The integration of technology with spiritual values is also considered important to support positive digital transformation and strengthen religious understanding in the digital era.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Shadiq Muntashir of 21st Century Skills in the Merdeka Curriculum in Islamic Education Learning at SMA Al-Azhar Mandiri Palu2024-12-13T10:33:11+00:00Erlis Wulandari Kurniawatievhipasca@gmail.comAskar<p>This research concerns the Integration of 21st Century Skills in the Merdeka Curriculum in Islamic Education Learning at Al-Azhar Mandiri High School in Palu, which includes the following problem statements: 1) How is the process of implementing the integration of 21<sup>st</sup> century skills in the Merdeka curriculum in Islamic Education learning, and 2) What are the results of the integration of 21st century skills in the Merdeka curriculum in Islamic Education learning at Al-Azhar Mandiri High School in Palu, focusing on classroom practices and student development. This research uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological design. Data is collected through participatory observation, in-depth interviews with Islamic Education teachers, the Deputy Head of Curriculum, and students. The data obtained is analyzed using techniques of data reduction, data presentation, data verification, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study show: 1) The implementation process begins with comprehensive lesson planning, which starts with training for teachers, including internal training (IHT), online platforms (PMM), teaching community groups (MGMP PAI), and webinars. Teachers are actively involved in the development of learning tools such as the education calendar, lesson plans, annual and semester programs, learning objectives flow, teaching modules, and assessment criteria. 2) The results of the integration of 21st century skills in the Merdeka Curriculum in Islamic Education learning at Al-Azhar Mandiri High School in Palu show significant improvements in student satisfaction and motivation, as well as positive developments in creativity, public speaking skills, teamwork collaboration, and the application of critical thinking and communication skills. Overall, this proves that this approach successfully enhances the quality of learning and better prepares students to face future challenges. This research has important implications for educators, students, schools, policymakers, and future researchers. It emphasizes the need for continuous training for teachers to effectively teach using 21st century skills. Additionally, it highlights the role of schools in providing resources and infrastructure to support innovative learning methods. These findings can help policymakers design educational policies that support the broader development of 21st century skills. Lastly, this research encourages further exploration of the impact of integrating 21st century skills in other subjects and preparing students for the future.</p>2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Erlis Wulandari Kurniawati, Askar Askar Management of Islamic Religious Education Learning at the Senior High School (SMA) Level2024-12-13T09:16:08+00:00Moh<p>This journal is entitled "Quality Management of Islamic Religious Education Learning at the Senior High School (SMA) Level". With the following problem formulation: How to implement the quality management of Islamic Religious Education learning at the current high school level and what are the obstacles and challenges faced in implementing the quality management of Islamic Religious Education learning at the high school level. And the method used is through the literature review approach method (quantitative)</p> <p>The results of the study show that the Quality Management of Islamic Religious Education Learning at the Senior High School (SMA) level, using two approaches regarding the application used in the quality management of Islamic Religious Education learning at the high school level in the form of: Learning Planning, Learning Implementation, and Learning Evaluation. The second is the obstacles and challenges faced in implementing the quality management of Islamic Religious Education learning at the high school level in the form of: Lack of resources, Teacher qualifications, Differences in student backgrounds, Influence of the secular environment, and Comprehensive evaluation</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Moh. Ridwan Education Transformation 5.0 through Innovation Integration Science and Technology2024-12-13T09:16:09+00:00Safaruddin Safaruddinevhipasca@gmail.comMuh. Yusufevhipasca@gmail.comDwi<p>Digital Education 5.0 combines innovations in science and technology to create an effective, interactive, and relevant learning environment. This research aims to describe the role of Digital Education 5.0 transformation through the integration of science and technology innovations. The study employs a qualitative research method with a literature review approach. Data from relevant literature sources are utilized to gain an understanding of the concepts of Digital Education 5.0 and the integration of science and technology innovations in an educational context. The research findings indicate that Digital Education 5.0 provides new opportunities in</p> <p>learning and teaching. The integration of science and technology innovations creates a learning ecosystem based on advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, virtual reality, and the Internet of Things. This approach enhances student motivation, interaction, and participation. Moreover, the integration of science and technology innovations also encourages innovative teaching strategies such as flipped classrooms, blended learning, and personalized learning. Teachers can present engaging and relevant educational content and facilitate effective collaboration and communication between teachers and students. However, the</p> <p>transformation of Digital Education 5.0 also faces challenges. Sustained preparation is needed to equip teachers and students to master and utilize technology optimally. Privacy and security aspects of digital technology usage must also be considered. In conclusion, the transformation of Digital Education 5.0 through the integration of science and technology innovations enhances the quality of education. With advanced technology and innovative teaching strategies, Digital Education 5.0 creates an interactive, creative, and adaptive learning environment. Challenges in technology implementation need to be overcome for the full potential of Digital Education 5.0 to be realized.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Safaruddin Safaruddin, Muh. Yusuf, Dwi Julianingsih Of Local Wisdom Based Character Education2024-12-13T09:16:10+00:00Saad Fuad<p>The integration of local wisdom, such as batik and glass painting, and other Cirebon culture in general courses (Mata Kuliah Umum/ MKU) may be an interesting alternative learning approach. This research aims to describe the implementation of character education models based on local cultural wisdom such as the ability to design batik, glass paintings, and the introduction of other typical Cirebon cultures in MKU. It employed a descriptive qualitative approach to explore naturally visible phenomena. The subjects of this research were 7th semester students of Primary School Teacher Education (Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar/ PGSD), University of Muhammadiyah Cirebon (UMC), class of 2016. The data were obtained from observations and interviews involving 15 respondents consisting of students, lecturers, and the Head of PGSD UMC. The results showed that MKU increased students' knowledge and skills outside the field of education as the students were enthusiastically embraced the Cirebon culture given in MKU. It can be concluded that MKU based on local wisdom was able to hone the skills of PGSD UMC students in improving their affective, psychomotor, and cognitive abilities. Thus, students were prepared to have holistic abilities that are compatible with the challenges of a new life.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Saad Fuad Hasan Role Of Interpersonal Communication From Parents To Children In Preventing Adolescent Delinquency (In Labuan Kungguma Village, Labuan District, Donggala District)2024-12-13T09:16:10+00:00Winda Windaevhipasca@gmail.comMutmainna<p>Research proves that the role of interpersonal communication with parents in Labuan Kungguma village is very important and plays a role in preventing juvenile delinquency. Basically, in the context of this communication, parents are the first people to teach education to their children, from toddlers to adults. However, there are also parents who can no longer guide their children because they have already gone to school or because they are busy. In fact, the role of parents as educators is very important for children so that they can shape the child's personality from childhood to adulthood.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Winda Winda, Mutmainna Mutmainna Moderation: Humanist Values as the Basis of Interfaith Tolerance in Indonesia2024-12-13T09:16:11+00:00Muh. Fajri<p>Etymologically, the meaning of moderation comes from the English word moderation, which means moderation or moderation. The word moderation in Arabic is called al-wasathiyah, derived from the word wasath which means middle. Humanism according to Abraham Moslow is the concept of humanizing humans, encouraging the improvement of human quality through appreciation of the positive potential that exists in every human being. Humanism also views humans as subjects who are free to determine the direction of their lives and are fully responsible for themselves and also care for others. In this case, the author raises this paper with the formulation of the problem, how religious moderation and Islamic views on the concept of humanism and what are the values of humanism as the basis for tolerance between religious communities. The method used is a qualitative method, the results of this study are Tolerance in religion means that all religions can respect their own obligations and rights as religious adherents and their relationships with other religious adherents. But don't get it wrong in interpreting tolerance, tolerance is not combining Islamic beliefs and rules with religions other than Islam, but instead respecting other religions. It also produces several points on how the attitude of humanity can be built, namely, humanum, humanities and humanitas. As well as the values of humanism which are the basis of tolerance between religious communities, namely, the value of freedom, the value of cooperation, the value of willingness to sacrifice, the value of caring and the value of helping or mutual cooperation.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muh. Fajri Ardiansyah in digital age2024-12-13T09:16:12+00:00Musta'an Musta'<p>This research examines the role and relevance of philosophy in the digital era, characterized by rapid developments in information and communication technology. The study investigates how digital transformation influences contemporary philosophical thought and, conversely, how philosophy can provide critical insights into digital phenomena. Through literature analysis and in-depth interviews with philosophers and technology experts, this research identifies three main areas where philosophy and the digital world interact: the ethics of artificial intelligence, epistemology in the post-truth era, and the ontology of virtual reality. The findings indicate that philosophy plays a crucial role in framing and addressing fundamental questions arising from the digital revolution, while digital technology simultaneously opens new dimensions for philosophical exploration. This study concludes that a more intensive dialogue between philosophy and technology is needed to address the challenges and opportunities in the digital era.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Musta'an Musta'an And Principles As Well As Curriculum Development Design 2024-12-13T09:16:12+00:00Nur<p>Curriculum development is a complex process influenced by various factors and principles to create an effective educational framework. Key factors affecting curriculum development include advancements in science and technology, societal social and economic needs, and educational policies set by the government. Fundamental principles such as relevance, flexibility, continuity, practicality, and effectiveness guide curriculum design to ensure that the curriculum meets current needs and adapts to future changes. This study employs a qualitative research approach using data collection techniques such as in-depth interviews, observations, and document analysis to evaluate how these factors and principles are applied across various educational institutions. Findings from this research indicate that curriculum adjustments are significantly influenced by technological advancements and changing societal needs, while principles of relevance and flexibility are crucial for maintaining the curriculum’s alignment and adaptability to dynamic educational contexts.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Azizah Of Islamic Religious Education Teachers In Improving Student Learning Outcomes At Smkn 2 Sigi District South Kulawi, Sigi District 2024-12-13T09:16:13+00:00Mohamad Syafiqevhipasca@gmail.comNurjanah<p>The results of the research show that the efforts of Islamic religious education teachers to improve student learning outcomes at SMKN 2 Sigi, South Kulawi District, Sigi Regency, namely that Islamic Religious Education teachers are required to be professional, must be more creative in the learning process, Islamic Religious Education teachers provide appropriate materials. taught, although Islamic Religious Education learning is still minimal due to several inhibiting factors such as inadequate school facilities and infrastructure, such as prayer rooms and other learning media, one of the efforts given is to be an example to non-Muslim students even though the number of students is fewer Muslims, showing good morals as a Muslim should.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mohamad Syafiq, Nurjanah Nurjanah Of Tahsinul Qira’ah As An Effort To Improve Reading Of The Al-Qur’an For Students At Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairaat Biromaru2024-12-13T09:16:13+00:00Yuli Rahmawatievhipasca@gmail.comNurul<p>This research discusses the implementation of Tahsinul Qira'ah as an effort to improve students' Al-Qur'an reading skills at Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairaat Biromaru. With a problem formulation of how to carry out Tahsinul Qira'ah at Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairaat Biromaru and how to carry out Tahsinul Qira'ah at Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairaat Biromaru. The type of research used is a qualitative approach, data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation, data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. To determine the validity of the data, data source triangulation techniques were used. The research results explain that the Tahsinul Qira'ah program can determine the procedures for students to read the Iqra' and Al-Qur'an properly and correctly according to the rules of the Tajwid and Makharijul letters. Implementing this program can help students read and memorize the Al-Qur'an more easily. Tahsin learning time at MA Alkhairaat Biromaru is held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after morning assembly. The implication of this research is that the application of Tahsin has a significant influence on improving students' ability to read the Al-Qur'an properly and correctly, the application of Tahsinul Qira'ah can also provide a form of motivation that can improve students' ability to read the Al-Qur'an.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yuli Rahmawati, Nurul Febrianti Ilmu Pengetahuan dalam Perspektif Syekh Naquib Al-Attas Sebagai Suatu Refleksi Konseptual Pendidikan Islam 2024-12-13T09:16:14+00:00Ratni<p>This research aims to find out the prospective world of Islamic education through an in-depth study of the effectiveness of implementing the independent learning curriculum in Madrasah Aliah as an educational unit equivalent to high school, and also to find out various challenges regarding the implementation of this curriculum, as well as carrying out an analysis of the good and bad impacts. bad for the implementation of learning curricula that refer to western education models. The learning model in madrasah schools in particular really requires fundamental conceptualization so that students have strong characters with certain characteristics as a result of learning achievements within a certain period of time. The research method applies a library study approach by collecting data and information obtained from library sources, study materials in the form of books, journals, digital and electronic learning materials, and artifacts, of which are expressed descriptively qualitatively, using a case study approach of Al-Attas thought. The results of the research indicate that the framework of thought and the main focus of Al-Attas' thinking is related to the conception of Islamic education which emphasizes the strength of character called <em>ta'dib</em>. Based on the <em>ta'dib </em>conceptualization, teachers can implement the independent learning curriculum in a completely integrated manner, synthesizing various strategies that can stimulate students' intelligence. Likewise, Muslim scholars can develop theories of science and technology as well as Islamic culture appropriately and proportionally, not merely directing human attention to fulfilling materialistic needs, but also based on transcendental values that guide humans and students can know exactly the prime mover, namely Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ratni Hasra Of Islamic Religious Education Learning In Forming Islamic Personal Character 2024-12-13T09:16:15+00:00Rudin M.<p>This study discusses the strategy of Islamic religious education teachers in the teaching of Islamic Education as efforts to establish the Islamic personality of the students. This type of research is qualitative research. Interdisciplinary research approach used, among other things: management approach, pedagogical, sociological, and psychological. Sources of primary data from this study were teachers of Islamic education. Secondary data sources in this study a school profile data, theories on the concept of the learning strategies, Islamic religious of education theory, and the theory of the formation of Muslim personality. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed using the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The research found that the learning strategies of Islamic education in shaping Muslim personality of students use two strategies of learning, ie learning direct and indirect learning.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rudin M. Somba Education in the Digital Era: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century 2024-12-13T09:16:16+00:00Fakhrudin<p>The purpose of compiling this work is to analyze the role of digital technology in the transformation of Islamic education, challenges and opportunities in the 21st century. This literature review research identifies relevant literature sources on Islamic education in the digital era, conducts critical analysis of the selected content, and organizes information in an organized manner. thematic. This research aims to understand challenges such as changing educational paradigms and integrating technology, as well as opportunities such as wider access to learning resources and use of digital media in Islamic education. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the development of educational strategies and policies that are adaptive to the digital era. The result of this work is that the role of digital technology in Islamic education in the 21st century requires a mature approach based on the concept of digital literacy to address challenges and enrich the experience of religious learning. Islamic education in the digital era is faced with challenges of authenticity and accessibility, but offers global opportunities and interactive learning methods by developing digital literacy, internet manners, and applying relevant theories.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fakhrudin Fakhrudin Views on the Development and Utilization of Science and Technology2024-12-13T09:16:16+00:00Muh. Rimal Jaya Rizal<p>The development and use of technology as a human activity in the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence is included in the category of something that is subject to law. So this activity must also be closely related to Islamic law itself, starting from taklifi law to wadl'i law. This research is a literature study. In data collection techniques, the authors explore scientific papers as well as several credible sites that discuss topics regarding Islam and technology, such as credible news sites, scientific papers obtained from several journals, both from Islamic journals. as well as universal journals such as the Technology Journal.</p> <p>The results of this discussion show that, 1. Islamic Views in the Development and Utilization of Science and Technology, including: a) Islamic views in the Development and Utilization of Science and Technology. b) Shari'a Goals in the Development and Utilization of Technology. c) The Islamic view on the use or use of technology. d) The Polemic on the Use of Loudspeaker Technology (Toa). 2. Development and utilization of science and technology in terms of benefit and resistance to damage in Islam, including: a) Maslahat and Mafsadat levels. b) How to determine Benefit and Harm, Ukhrowi. c) Charities Human Actions in the Perspective of Generating Benefit and Rejecting Damage, Benefit (al-maṣlahatu). d) Science and Technology as Tools and Media to Realize Benefit and Refuse Damage. If the goal is unlawful, makruh, obligatory mubah, or sunna, then media law and the cause is also unlawful, makruh, mubah, obligatory, or sunnah.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muh. Rimal Jaya Rizal Hamzah Baligh Education: Understanding the Transition from Childhood to Adulthood in Islam2024-12-13T09:16:17+00:00Asriani<p>The article discusses about the transition from childhood to adulthood is one of the important phases in the life of every individual. In the context of Islamic teachings, this transition is known as aqil baligh, which refers to when a person reaches maturity both physically and spiritually. Data collection using the literature review method analyzes various information from various written sources, both books, modules, journal articles and other research results. The period of aqil baligh is a very crucial period for a Muslim. This period is the boundary between mumayyiz and mukallaf. Children who have reached aqil baligh are said to be "mukallaf" or people who are required to carry out Islamic law, so it is very important to be considered by educators both in the school environment and the family environment (parents). By equipping them with the right knowledge and understanding of aqil baligh, children can have a positive outlook and be prepared to carry out their religious obligations and social responsibilities well. </p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Asriani Asriani Role of Islamic Religious Education in Student Character Building in Middle School 2024-12-13T09:16:18+00:00Asma Waty<p>This research aims to investigate the impact of Islamic religious instruction on the moral formation of students in secondary schools. By mapping the problems in the field and examining research gaps, this study will deepen the understanding of the influence of Islamic education in shaping adolescents' personalities. Some of the issues identified include the impact of the secular environment, differences in the quality of teaching and teaching materials, moral decline, the role of religious teachers, and the challenge of integrating religious values with modernity.</p> <p>The research will focus on three main aspects: curriculum assessment and teaching methods, students' views and experiences, and the contribution of teachers and the school environment. Using a qualitative approach, data will be collected through observation, questioning and document review. Analysis will use thematic methods to find patterns and emerging themes.</p> <p>The results reveal a diversity of student responses to Islamic studies, covering aspects such as personal relationships, motivation, interest and relevance in daily life. It is important to note that these variations not only reflect individual differences in religious experience, but are also influenced by complex environmental, cultural and social factors.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Asma Waty Samad Diversity And Learning Needs2024-12-13T09:16:19+00:00Rani Rosvita Ningrumevhipasca@gmail.comDzakiah<p>This research aims to collect various literature reviews and explain concepts related to learning that supports diversity and educational needs. The method used in writing this article is a literature review derived from articles, journals, books, the internet and other literature. The results of the literature review show that coordinating learning by paying attention to learning interests, learning readiness and learning preferences, accommodating students so that learning goals can be achieved by all students, further increasing motivation and learning outcomes, determining teacher and student interaction and building an attitude of respect for diversity. The conclusion of this research is that learning can provide opportunities for students to learn efficiently and of course based on student needs and the teacher's ability to determine appropriate methods and approaches.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rani Rosvita Ningrum, Dzakiah Dzakiah of Information Technology as a Source of Learning For Islamic Religious Education2024-12-13T09:16:19+00:00Sulistyawati<p>The utilization of information technology in the learning process of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) has become an urgent necessity in this digital era. Information technology offers various tools and resources that enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process, extend the reach of education beyond the physical classroom and textbooks, and enable flexible and interactive access to lesson materials. The use of information technology supports collaboration between students and teachers, and facilitates real-time discussions through digital platforms. By incorporating modern technology such as computers and software applications, educators can create innovative and interactive activities that foster the acquisition of various skills from an early age. Overall, the strategic implementation of information technology resources in educational settings has proven to play a role in optimizing the learning experience and promoting academic growth. However, the utilization of technology in PAI faces challenges such as the digital divide and the need for digital literacy. Therefore, supporting strategies and policies are needed to optimize the use of technology in PAI learning to create more engaging, interactive, and inclusive learning experiences.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sulistyawati Sulistyawati of Effectiveness of Learning Agreement in Improving Discipline of Students in Class VIII Salam in MTs Alkhairaat Wosu2024-12-13T09:16:20+00:00Siti<p>The main question to be answered in this study is: To what extent can the learning agreement applied in the classroom improve the discipline of the student? This study will also explore: What impact does the learning agreement have on changes in disciplinary behavior of the student in class during a given period?</p> <p>The study aims to provide a clearer insight into the effectiveness of learning agreements in improving student discipline as well as identifying factors that influence changes in student disciplinary behavior. By understanding these dynamics, it is expected that better strategies can be developed to improve students' discipline in the classroom. This research uses qualitative methods, using data collection techniques through observations, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and data verification. Based on the results of observations, interviews, and documentation, it can be concluded that learning agreements are effective in improving student discipline. The learning agreement not only makes students more disciplined, but also increases their participation in the teaching learning process. Students become more responsible for their own behavior and more engaged in the learning environment.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Zuchrufa Role of Islamic Education Institutions in Encouraging Technological Innovation at MTsN 2 Poso2024-12-13T09:16:21+00:00Hafifah<p>This article examines the role of Islamic educational institutions in encouraging technological innovation at MTsN 2 Poso. Education is one of the most important factors in the development efforts undertaken by a country. Education is an effort to develop the human potential of students, both in the form of physical, creative and creative so that this potential becomes real and can function for the course of life. Islamic educational institutions strive to provide strengthening and basic understanding of religion properly. In this case, researchers chose madrasa, which is one of the formal Islamic educational institutions, as one of the educational institutions because it has an important role in technological innovation used in Islamic education taught to students in madrasa. From initially using only physical textbooks, it is now possible to use various technologies such as projectors and even e-learning. The development of technology is often used as a means of information and communication that is available to all groups. Technology is widely used in people's daily lives, especially millennials. Education is no exception. In the past, educational technology was limited and not widely used, and teachers were the only source of learning for children. However, modern times are different as there are technical devices everywhere. Today, technology is essential in any field of activity, including education, business, socio-culture, politics, religion and many others. </p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hafifah Hafifah of the Wafa Method in Al-Qur'an Al-Hidayah Education Park Palu2024-12-13T09:16:21+00:00Ana Anugrah<p>This article discusses the Application of the Wafa Method in Al-Hidayah Palu Education Park. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the application of the wafa method can improve the ability to read the Qur'an of students in the Al-Qur'an Al-Hidayah Palu education park. The method used in this study is a qualitative method that is descriptive. The results of this study show that, The application of the wafa method in the learning of the Qur'an in the Al-Hidayah Palu education park by means of classical imitation reading and classical reading and private reading, the learning process is that the teacher orders the students to read the Qur'an, then the teacher mentalqin the reading of the Qur'an and is imitated by all students by using hijaz tones as the beat of the long swing of the short reading, Read the classics one person reads the other listens and reads the private classics of the students reading by themselves in front of the teacher. The application of the wafa method was declared successful because most of the students could read the Qur'an properly and correctly. </p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Anugrah Putri in Indonesia in the Struggle of Global Capitalism2024-12-13T09:16:22+00:00Irzan Irzanevhipasca@gmail.comAdawiyah<p>Education, a term that has become characteristic by its level of wealth. It's no longer a public secret in this country that access to higher education is the right of the rich. Because, how can it be, reaching higher education for middle people down to the bottom is like a dream in the daylight. The society of this social class must first strike the pockets of no small quantity. Rather than schooling their children in the midst of a crunchy economic situation, these social groups prefer to prevail in the hope of not educating their children.</p> <p>Especially as the sacred momentum enters the new year of teaching. Some take a deep breath as they enter the wetlands of education, some just witness as they deepen their hopes. This is the story of education in this country. A story that will only end happily, on condition of having plenty of money.</p> <p>One way to realize a truly liberating vision of education that is now under the veil of capitalism is not an easy thing. However, that doesn't mean it's impossible. An attempt to create a different education system, as a means of counteracting the strength of the dominance of the ongoing system, is essential. Because capitalism always eats every minute of it and it is now being facilitated well by educational institutions. This is a task that must and must always be thought of, fought, reconsidered, and re-fought, in an integral unity – as an active subject facing directly the complexity of reality.</p> <p>The dominance of the capitalist system in education needs to be tackled dialectically. That is, when the domination of the system seeks to reproduce its dominance, then opposing tasks need to be done to counter that domination.</p> <p>This type of research is library research. The data analysis used in this research is content analysis. The results of the research obtained are: Educational capitalism is an educational process based on the principle of capitalism in which the funders will use education to gain profits in various opportunities, the potential factors being the cause of the emergence of capitalization of education are such technical factors among them the quality of teachers, low physical resources, expensive education costs, low student performance, low teacher well-being, low relevance of education to needs, lack of availability of educational opportunities.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Irzan Irzan, Adawiyah Pettalongi Role of PAI Teachers in Improving Tolerance Attitude Based on Multicultural Education in Palu 13 State Middle School Students2024-12-13T10:35:57+00:00Fahrul Fahrulevhipasca@gmail.comAskar<p>This research aims to determine the role of teachers in increasing attitudes of tolerance based on multicultural education in students at SMP Negeri 13 Palu. The problems are: What is meant by tolerance? What is the concept of multicultural education? What is the role of PAI teachers in increasing attitudes of tolerance based on multicultural education?</p> <p>This research uses a qualitative approach in the form of field research, research data is collected through observation, interviews and documentation.</p> <p>The research results show that:</p> <p>Teachers have an important role in increasing attitudes of tolerance, with various efforts such as explaining religious differences, implementing school programs about religion and also providing examples and role models, so that through these stages they can increase attitudes of tolerance based on multicultural education, especially for Middle School 13 students Palu.</p>2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fahrul Fahrul, Askar Askar Faith: Transforming Muslim Religious Practices in Virtual Space2024-12-13T09:16:23+00:00Alfian<p>This research examines the phenomenon of the transformation of Muslim religious practices in virtual space as an impact of digitalization. Using a qualitative approach and digital content analysis, the study aims to identify forms of online religious practices, analyze their impact on the understanding and practice of Islamic teachings, and explore the challenges and opportunities that arise in this context. The results of the study show a significant increase in the use of digital platforms for worship, religious learning, and interaction of the Muslim community. This transformation has important implications for religious authority, the interpretation of sacred texts, and socio-religious dynamics. The study concludes that the digitization of faith opens up new spaces for more dynamic and inclusive religious expression, but also poses challenges related to authenticity and spiritual depth in virtual religious practices</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Alfian Akbar Psychology Individual Differences Reviewed from Integlance, Learning and Thinking Styles, Personality and Temperament2024-12-13T09:16:24+00:00Asril<p>Every human being is created with all the uniqueness and characteristics or characteristics of each one. This is called individual differences. Individual differences are differences in abilities and characteristics (cognitive, personality, physical skills, and so on) between students at a certain age level and in each specific group. Individual students have unique differences. These individual differences include many things consisting of physicality, intelligence level, personality, psychology, differences in language proficiency and Learning Styles.</p> <p>Education is a form of realization or manifestation of the nation's ideals that are formulated in a nation's outlook on life. To understand education in depth, many factors need to be understood, including factors: ideals, students, educators, tools and environment. Individual students have unique differences. Through educational practices and activities, we can accommodate the individual differences of students. Likewise, learning styles between each other are also different. There are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. Individual differences in the implementation of classroom teaching are factors that concern the readiness of children to receive teaching because these differences will determine the overall education system.</p> <p>It is important to know the learning style of students so that teachers can vary their teaching styles, learning methods that are suitable to be applied in the learning process.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Asril Asril of Islamic Education in Strengthening Social Character 2024-12-13T09:16:25+00:00Dwi Ikhlas Setia<p>History is the chronicle of a nation's life and the events that impact living beings. Social character is a series of behaviors and attitudes that enable a person to interact with others effectively. Character strengthening is a process or movement faced with various character modification problems. This research method employs a literature review approach. The emphasis on morality always brings conditions of prosperity that are conducive to society in a country, things that predecessors have implemented. During the Safavid dynasty, under the rule of Shah Abbas II, principles of justice were implemented, creating a solid academic environment. The people enjoyed freedom of expression, even though that opinion differed from the ruler's. Justice was a critical moral emphasis during Shah Abbas II's reign. Islam promotes unity and brotherhood among its followers, emphasizing the conspicuousness of fostering harmonious relationships, conflict resolution, and active participation in societal welfare. This focus on social cohesion enhances individuals' social character and fosters a sense of belonging within the community. The state of education during the Mughal Empire concentrated heavily on the inheritance and preservation of religious thought by the ulama in the classical era emphasizing Islamic values such as social cohesion well implemented at that time. During the Ottoman Empire, influence from Persian culture contributed to lessons in ethics and manners within royal courts. Additionally, the government and military organizations drew knowledge from Byzantium, while economic, social, and societal principles and scientific and literal knowledge were acquired from the Arabs.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Ikhlas Setia Bhakti Media in Learning2024-12-13T09:16:25+00:00Fatimah<p>The increasingly advanced technological developments have also had a major impact on the world of education, the facility and effectiveness of becoming the most prominent thing in the use of technology in the education world. Social media like instagram, whatsapp, facebook, youtube and so on become platforms used in the learning world. This study examines how social media plays a role in the world of education in particular in learning by raising a library-research method that searches for sources from research-related documents. Research results show that in the learning world several social media platforms have been used in learning and well used, advantages such as ease of access to material, the effectiveness of time and place become the superiority offered by the learning media. With the presence of social media used in learning, it is expected to play a more important role in improving learning success in schools.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fatimah Fatimah of Pancasila Student Profile in Shaping Students' Character at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Banggai2024-12-13T09:16:26+00:00Kartini<p>Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Banggai has started implementing the Independent Curriculum since the 2022/2023 academic year, where the independent learning curriculum used is independent change. Based on observations made by researchers in July 2024, the character in this school is quite good, but there are still students whose character is not as expected, such as arriving late, not carrying out assignments properly, and not admitting mistakes, being easily bored with learning, and lack of focus on learning in learning. One of the implementations of the independent learning curriculum at MAN Banggai is by strengthening the Pancasila Learner Profile through several activities such as habituation activities and project-based learning which aims to shape the character of students. Through strengthening the Pancasila Learner Profile, it is hoped that students can develop characters, namely appreciating the culture that exists in the surrounding environment, high tolerance, and having critical thinking about a matter.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kartini Kartini Effect of Lack of Synergy Between Family, School and Community Education on Child Development 2024-12-13T09:16:26+00:00Moh. Ikbal Abd.<p>This research is intended to examine the effect of the lack of synergy between family, school and community education on child development. The learning process is formed through habitual action and the example of educators, parents, leaders, and the community, which is the broad environment for child development. Currently, what often happens is that the focus of education is only charged to schools. family and community education often do not help in the process of educating children. the data processed and explored comes from, books, journals, and several writings related to this research. The research findings show that family, school and community education must synergize with each other, and must be fully involved, because one that is not involved will have an impact on the failure to form good behavior and the failure of the learning process</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Moh. Ikbal Abd. Kasim Role of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Overcoming Drug Abuse Among Students at State Junior High School 10 of Palu City2024-12-13T09:16:27+00:00Muhammad Rifal<p>This study aims to determine and analyze the role of Islamic religious teachers in efforts to overcome drugs in students. The problems that are the focus of the study are: 1). What is the role of Islamic religious education teachers in preventing drug abuse in students at State Junior High School 10 of Palu City, 2). How do Islamic religious education teachers overcome students who are indicated as using drugs at State Junior High School 10 of Palu City. This study uses a qualitative method. In the process of collecting data in the field, the author uses observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Furthermore, the author analyzes the collected data using data reduction, data presentation, and data verification/drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the role of Islamic religious teachers as efforts to prevent drugs, namely: 1). Providing education about the dangers of drugs, 2). Introduction to religious values, 3). Cooperation with related parties, and 4). Increasing the spiritual dimension, faith and piety, through Islamic habits of congregational prayer, sunnah dhuha prayer, Tadarrus Qur'an, reading dhikr and implementing literacy. The way Islamic Religious Education teachers deal with students who are indicated are: 1). Providing advice, motivation, reflection and Islamic habits, 2). Increasing self-confidence through lectures and religious sermons, 3). Delivering messages and reinforcement regarding the dangers of drugs and negative behavior during Islamic Religious Education learning, 4). Collaborating with the National Narcotics Agency team, Police Sector, Public Health Center, Parents, and all school stakeholders, 5). Providing rehabilitation facilities.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Rifal Mubarak of Talcott Parsons' AGIL Scheme in Family and Community Education: A Case Study in the Era of Globalization2024-12-13T09:16:27+00:00Nasrul<p>This study aims to examine the application of Talcott Parsons' AGIL scheme in the context of family and community education. The approach used is a literature study with a descriptive analysis of Parsons' structural functionalism theory, which involves adaptation, goal achievement, integration, and pattern maintenance. The main results show that these four dimensions are absolute prerequisites that must be met to maintain the stability and sustainability of the social system. In the context of education, the AGIL scheme helps understand how families and communities can adapt to the environment, set common goals, integrate social components, and maintain existing values and norms. The main conclusion is that the application of the AGIL scheme in education can increase the effectiveness of socialization and social control, and help in forming individuals who are able to contribute positively to society.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nasrul Nasrul Education and Technology: Integration of Islamic Education in the Midst of the Onslaught of Technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Era of Revolution 4.02024-12-13T09:16:28+00:00Nurul<p>This research aims to analyze the integration of Islamic Religious Education in the era of Revolution 4.0 in the midst of the onslaught of technology and AI developments. The world of education after the presence of the 4.0 revolution phenomenon is predicted to enter the era of digitalization of the education system. Teaching and learning activities will change completely. The classroom has evolved with digital learning patterns that provide a more creative, participatory, diverse, and holistic learning experience, with new technologies removing geographical boundaries that trigger the emergence of new ways to generate new innovations. developments in digital technology with artificial intelligence (AI) that converts data into information, making people with an easy and cheap process to obtain it. The method used in this study is library research with secondary data sources. The results of the study show that to welcome Islamic Education 4.0 which is accompanied by the development of technology and AI, inevitably all of the latent problems above must be able to find a solution. In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, there needs to be a significant overhaul, starting from the level of management and professionalism of human resources which requires an increase in competence and capacity. Outdated systems are replaced with new ones, for example, developing new digital-based service systems. The implementation of character education in madrasas can be carried out by the methods of (1) Teaching, (2) Example, (3) Determining priorities, (4) Priority praxis and (5) Reflection.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Annisa of Islamic Science and Technology for Empowerment 2024-12-13T09:16:28+00:00Wizrah<p>This research examines the integration of Islamic science and modern technology in the context of community empowerment. Through a qualitative approach, this article explores how Islamic principles, such as ethics, justice, and social responsibility, can be applied in the development and use of technology. The main focus is on education, economy, health, and the environment. This study presents real examples of the application of Islamic principles-based technology, such as sharia-based e-learning, sharia fintech, Islamic telemedicine, and environmentally friendly agricultural technology. The findings of the study show that this integration not only supports community empowerment but also strengthens Islamic values in an increasingly digital context.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Wizrah Wizrah Harmonization of Islamic Religious Education Amid Technological Advancements 2024-12-13T09:16:29+00:00Nasrul<p>This study was written with the aim of exposing technology and its influence in the application of learning methods as well as finding steps in achieving harmonization between Islamic religious education and technology. This research uses a library research method that uses library data such as archives, journals, and other documents that support this research. The presence of technology itself in the world of education is a concrete step in supporting the success of education, but there needs to be harmony between the two. Islamic religious education is a complex and significant phenomenon in today's context. Here are some of the ways in which technology affects Islamic religious education: learning access, interactive and collaborative, multimedia and visualization, adaptive learning, monitoring and evaluation, use of applications and simulations. Technology brings huge changes in the way we learn and access information, but it also brings risks to traditional values and religious identities. Here are some steps that can be taken to this harmonization: technology integration into curricula, teacher training, content monitoring and filtration, development of Islamic education applications and platforms, and evaluation of curriculum development.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nasrul Nasrul of Technology-Based Curriculum Development in Higher Education 2024-12-13T09:16:29+00:00Ahmad<p>This research examines the effectiveness of technology-based curriculum development in higher education in improving student competencies and the relevance of education to the demands of the digital era. The main objectives of the study were to analyze the development process, evaluate the effectiveness, and identify the challenges of technology-based curriculum implementation. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study combined quantitative analysis of student survey and academic data with in-depth interviews and qualitative observations. The sample was purposively drawn from several universities that have implemented a technology-based curriculum. The results showed that technology-based curriculum development significantly improved students' digital skills and work readiness. However, challenges such as infrastructure readiness, lecturer competence, and technology access gaps were also found. This research provides strategic recommendations for optimizing the development and implementation of technology-based curriculum in higher education, and highlights the importance of continuous evaluation and adaptation of the curriculum to the latest technological developments.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Ahmad Concept and Practice of Total Quality Management in Islamic Educational Institutions2024-12-13T09:16:30+00:00Arif<p>This research aims to understand the concept of total quality management and how it is practiced in Islamic educational institutions as an effort to improve the quality of education. The research stages were carried out by collecting literature sources, both primary and secondary. This research classifies data based on a qualitative research approach. The result of this research is that total quality management is an approach in improving quality systematically using many dimensions and has been widely applied by many companies with the aim of improving performance such as quality, productivity, and productivity. The aim is to improve performance such as quality, productivity and profitability. The practice in educational institutions is to realize the following principles: customer focus, process improvement, and total involvement.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Arif Hidayat of The Habituation Method in Forming The Spiritual Intelligence of Students at The Tahfidz Quran Ar-Rahim House in Palu2024-12-13T09:16:31+00:00Arifin<p>This journal discusses the implementation of the habituation method in forming the spiritual intelligence of santri at the tahfidz Quran ar-rahim house in Palu. The research used is field research using a qualitative approach. <em></em>technique. Data collection through interview observation and documentation of data analysis techniques is carried out by reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the implementation of the habituation method in forming the spiritual intelligence of students at the tahfidz Quran ar-rahim house in Palu has been running optimally and effectively. It can be seen by changes in the habits of the students in their habit of worship, changes in morals and the students are able to interpret the religious activities they carry out. The refraction program that the students undergo is the tahajud prayer, the Dhuha prayer, the istighfar dhikr, the morning evening prayer, the Sunnah prayer 2 rak'ahs and reading the Asmaul Husna before going to bed. Supporting factors in implementing the habituation method are: the students themselves. such as the motivation of students to become Sholihah, Hafi, Zo to seek Allah's blessing and make their parents happy, as for the inhibiting factors in implementing the habituation method, namely the students themselves, such as feeling lazy, bored with the habituation program, oversleeping or menstruation, forgetting the activity habituation program. Additional activities that take up a lot of program time are monotonous for coaches and educators who are not optimal in controlling and reminding the students.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Arifin Arifin of The Application of Information Search Strategies on The Learning Outcomes of Pupils on The Subjects of Islamic Religious Education and Practitioners at 12 Maros State High School2024-12-13T09:16:31+00:00Ayu Rezky Sulfianaevhipasca@gmail.comAndi<p>Abstract This paper discusses the impact of the application of information search strategies on the learning outcomes of pupils in Islamic education subjects and practitioners in 12 Maros State High School which aims to: 1) Describe the information search strategy in 12 maros State high school; 2) Describes the study outcome of students in the subject of Islamic teachers in the 12 maros State High school; 3) Analyses the influence of application of the information research strategy on pupils' learning outcome in the Islamic religious education and Practitioner's teaching in 12 Maros.</p> <p>This type of research is an expost facto quantitative research with a simple linear regression research design. This study was conducted at the 12 Maros State High School. The respondents in this study were students of 11th grade of 12 Maros State High School who totaled 33 people. Where the data collection for this study uses the elevation instinct and the learning outcome of the student is analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential analysis.</p> <p>Based on the results of descriptive analysis obtained research strategy in-formation search State High School 12 Maros is in the middle category, which is 60,60%, while the learning results of the pupils on the subjects of Islamic education and employment at the State High school 12 maros are in the same category, that is 54,54%. Implications of this research is for the students, to more earnestly follow the learning process using the information search strategy with the hope that the learning outcomes of the students can increase. For schools, to be able to be evaluation material against the process of learning to improve the value of the learners.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ayu Rezky Sulfiana, Andi Anirah Rights Roots of Multicultural Education2024-12-13T09:16:32+00:00Rahmawati<p>This research aims to analyze the influence of social media usage on religious moderation behavior among high school students. With the increasing use of social media among teenagers, it is important to understand how these digital platforms affect their religious understanding and practices, particularly in the context of religious moderation.</p> <p>Using a mixed-method research approach, this study combines a quantitative survey of 500 high school students and in-depth interviews with 20 selected respondents. The results show that social media has a significant influence on the formation of students' religious moderation attitudes, with both positive and negative impacts. On one hand, social media expands students' access to diverse religious information and encourages interfaith dialogue.</p> <p>On the other hand, these platforms also have the potential to spread extremist views and trigger polarization. This study concludes that comprehensive media and religious literacy education is essential to help students develop critical and balanced religious moderation attitudes in the digital era.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmawati Rahmawati Education in Public Higher Education and The Islamic Educational Institution in The Spotlight on The Midst Global Challenges2024-12-13T09:16:33+00:00Siti<p>The term Islamic Education is usually understood as an academic subject or course in Public Higher Education (<em>Pendidikan Agama Islam </em>in <em>Perguruan Tinggi Umum</em>), as well as an institution such as Madrasah, Boarding School, and Islamic Religious College (<em>Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam</em>). Islamic education, both in the sense of an academic subject or course and as an institution has a problem that needs to be resolved in order for the Islamic education in the future has an appeal and even will give maximum contribution to the students or the college students and the community at large. The challenges of globalization today are also must be faced by Islamic education with its all potencies. Therefore in this paper it will be elaborated some problems of Islamic education both as a subject in Public Higher Education (<em>Pendidikan Agama Islam </em>in <em>Perguruan Tinggi Umum</em>) and as an institution in the midst of today's global challenges, and try to find the solution.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Safriani Education in Public Higher Education and The Islamic Educational Institution in The Spotlight on The Midst Global Challenges2024-12-13T09:16:33+00:00Rudin M.<p>This study discusses the strategy of Islamic religious education teachers in the teaching of Islamic Education as efforts to establish the Islamic personality of the students. This type of research is qualitative research. Interdisciplinary research approach used, among other things: management approach, pedagogical, sociological, and psychological. Sources of primary data from this study were teachers of Islamic education. Secondary data sources in this study a school profile data, theories on the concept of the learning strategies, Islamic religious of education theory, and the theory of the formation of Muslim personality. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed using the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The research found that the learning strategies of Islamic education in shaping Muslim personality of students use two strategies of learning, ie learning direct and indirect learning.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rudin M. Somba Importance of Islamic Religious Education in The Formation of Children's Character in TK Putra Palu2024-12-13T09:16:34+00:00Nur Fhatila<p>The importance of Islamic Religious Education in Child Character Building at Putra Palu Kindergarten. How is the implementation of children's character building in Putra Palu Kindergarten? 2. What are the obstacles that teachers get when providing Islamic religious education in the formation of children's character in Putra Palu Kindergarten? This research uses qualitative research which is an observer in conducting research. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of research on the importance of Islamic Religious Education in the Formation of Children's Character in Putra Palu Kindergarten are that in implementing religious education in children, by habituating and practicing it directly on children such as, saying greetings, praying, reading the Qur'an or iqra, mentioning the pillars of Islam and the pillars of faith and the practice of prayer, and the role of Islamic religious education in kindergarten is only as a basis for fostering ahklak in changing children's behavior for the better, so that it can be emulated by others. Meanwhile, in the implementation of character building, children are taught to have good behavior such as respect, responsibility, honesty and care. The obstacles and solutions faced when providing Islamic religious education in the formation of children's character are the different attitudes of children and the lack of parental attention. The implication of this research is that the head of Putra Palu Kindergarten is expected to continue to implement religious education for his students.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Fhatila Dini Strategy of Islamic Education Teachers in Internalizing The Values Of Islamic Education To Students2024-12-13T09:16:35+00:00Adi<p>This writing describes the challenges faced by Islamic education teachers in internalizing the values of Islamic education to students in schools. The challenges arise due to the rapid development in the field of information and technology (IT), making the flow of information exchange inevitable. Many cultures must be filtered first because they do not align with the values of Islamic education. This writing also illustrates how teachers strategize to internalize the values of Islamic education to students. There are three aspects included in the values of Islamic education, namely: moral values (ethics towards Allah, ethics towards others, and ethics towards oneself), faith values (belief in Allah and His Messenger), and worship values (non-mandatory acts of worship). The strategies employed in internalizing the values of Islamic education include several stages: the stage of value transformation, the stage of value transaction, and the stage of transinternalization</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Adi Dasuki Education Through Tabe Culture That Is Starting to Be Forgotten in the Modern Era2024-12-13T09:16:35+00:00Nor<p>Moral decadence that is so worrying when the progress of science and technology is not responded to wisely. Sociocultural Generally affects character and socialization related to the interaction process in which an individual gets norms, values, beliefs, attitudes, and language in his group. This research is a library research. The technique used is with The method that will be used in this study is a descriptive qualitative research method. tabe' is similar to the attitude of asking permission or asking permission when you want to pass people. some values that indicate that character can come from religion, culture, social and national philosophy in strengthening the implementation of character education. The values in the tabe' culture are politeness and religiosity.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nor Faiga Problematics of The Dai BMQ Community in Preaching Islam to The Youth in Palu City2024-12-18T01:31:10+00:00Hairuddin Cikkaadministrator@gmail.comJumahiradministrator@gmail.comMa'rifah Nurmalaadministrator@gmail.comOyan D. Taufikadministrator@gmail.comAfdal Afdalariefpratmo@gmail.comM.<p>The BMQ Dai Community in their preaching activities in Palu City maintains a priority scale on the object of preaching, namely the younger generation as one of the elements of society, and they are expected to socialise the teachings of Islam in their lives. In accordance with the facts, they (the youth generation) always received a preaching at least once to twice a week through lectures in mosques and recitations. But in reality, it turns out that the delivery of preaching among the youth generation faces obstacles, particularly the limited time allocation for preaching. With regard to that, the solution offered is that there should be a special time allocation for the youth in the conveyance of preaching.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hairuddin Cikka, Jumahir, Ma'rifah Nurmala, Oyan D. Taufik, Afdal Afdal, M. Fauzan Approach of Al-Quran Verses as Trauma Healing for Victims of Sexual Violence at the Women Crisis Center (WCC) Mawar Balqis Cirebon2024-12-13T09:16:36+00:00Ade Naelul Hudaadministrator@gmail.comLayali<p>This research aims to uncover how trauma due to sexual violence can be handled through psychological counseling combined with the holy verses of the Quran. The research took place at the NGO Mawar Balqis; an NGO Women's Crisis Center in Arjawinangun, Cirebon, West Java. The institution provides emotional support, helps victims overcome the trauma of sexual violence and its psychological impact, and provides education about the recovery process and their rights. This research is qualitative with in-depth interview and literature research methods. Her findings showed that in the counseling session at the NGO Women's Crisis Centre, Mawar Bilqis included religious assistance in the form of reading and living the verses of the Quran as one of the efforts to heal trauma. Among the verses that are routinely read are Al-Fatihah, Al-Muawwidzataian; An-Nas and Al-Falaq, Ayat Kursi , Asma al-Husna, dhikr and prayer. As a result, victims of sexual violence admitted to feeling calmer and experiencing better emotional changes, which shows that this approach is quite effective.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ade Naelul Huda, Layali Hilwa for Internalizing Religious Moderation Through Community-Based Learning of Tafsir Al-Qur'an (Case Study in Tual City, Maluku)2024-12-13T09:16:37+00:00Muhammad Azizan<p>This article aims to analyze the community-based strategy for the development of religious moderation in Tual City, North Maluku, namely through Qur'an interpretation recitation activities organized by several taklim councils. This research is a type of field research because the main data of this research was collected from the activities of majlis taklim in Tual City. The data presentation and analysis model used is descriptive analytical. The phenomenological approach is used to analyze the behavioral phenomenon of the Tual City community which upholds unity and harmony behind diversity both from ethnic, racial and religious aspects. Positive psychology theory is used for the implementation of the concept of religious moderation by the Muslim community in Tual City which can support the creation of tolerance in the community. The results of this study show that the activities of interpreting the Qur'an can build a positive attitude among the Muslim community in the context of religious moderation. The values of religious moderation have been internalized in the life of the Muslim community of Tual City with evidence of the preservation of Kei culture and customs that have been going on for a long time since before Islam entered Tual City. The recitation of the Qur'an interpretation has contributed to providing a theological argument to the people of Tual City that tolerance, preserving local customs and culture, and anti-violence are noble values taught by the Qur'an and hadith which are the main references for Muslims. This is reflected in the attitude of glorifying the teachings of the Qur'an without having to abandon the customary law of lavrul ngabal embraced by the Kei tribe, adherents of animism, who became the majority before converting to Islam in Tual City.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Azizan Fitriana, Zainuddin and Modernization in The Perspective of Islamic Educational Institutions (A Study on Al-Azhar Karanganyar Islamic Boarding School)2024-12-13T09:16:38+00:00Fajar Syarifariefpratmo@gmail.comLily Mufaizahariefpratmo@gmail.comAndi<p>This research aims to examine the modernization carried out by Al-Azhar Foundation in terms of Islamic education. Al-Azhar Foundation established Al-Azhar International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) with international standards for its curriculum, which is also based on modern Islamic boarding schools. The technique used in this research is hermeneutics, in which the author explains the meaning and purpose of the text. This research is significant as Al-Azhar is not only related to the national education system, but also an inseparable entity in the history of Islamic education in Indonesia. Al-Azhar is an Islamic school aligned with the Islamic boarding school (pesantren) and madrasa system, considered national treasures of Islamic education. Based on this purpose, this research analyzes the modernization of al-Azhar in terms of Islamic education from two angles; (1) The subject of Islamic education in al-Azhar and its curriculum structure. This part is necessary to reveal the ideology inherited through the curriculum; and (2) Internationalizing al-Azhar. This angle is useful as an explanation of the educational values embraced by al-Azhar.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fajar Syarif, Lily Mufaizah, Andi Anirah Role of The Teacher in Installing The Values of Tolerance and Non-Violence2024-12-13T11:18:44+00:00Kamridah Kamridahariefpratmo@gmail.comAndi Anirahariefpratmo@gmail.comMaftuha<p>This research examines the crucial role of teachers in instilling the values of tolerance and non-violence in students in an increasingly diverse and complex era. Through a comprehensive literature review and case study analysis, this research identifies effective strategies that teachers can implement to build an inclusive and peaceful learning environment. The findings show that teacher example, developing a curriculum that is sensitive to diversity, and implementing collaborative and dialogic learning methods play a significant role in forming students' tolerant and non-violent attitudes. This article also discusses the challenges teachers face in the process of instilling these values, as well as offering practical recommendations for teacher professional development and education policy. In conclusion, teachers have a strategic position as agents of change in building a generation that respects differences and upholds peace.</p>2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kamridah Kamridah, Andi Anirah, Maftuha Husnaeni Scholarly Trails: Embarking on a Bibliometric Pilgrimage of Research Exploration2024-12-18T01:26:08+00:00Syaakir Sofyanariefpratmo@gmail.comNajwa Gasim Yamaniariefpratmo@gmail.comA. Syathir Sofyanariefpratmo@gmail.comNur Syamsuariefpratmo@gmail.comNoval Novalariefpratmo@gmail.comFatimawali<p>Pilgrimage is one of the most recognized religious and cultural phenomena of human society, an important feature of the world's major religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Christianity. This study aims to look at the development of pilgrimage studies in the world published in Scopus indexed publications. 121 articles on pilgrimage were analyzed. The method used is bibliometrics by utilizing R Biblioshiny to produce bibliometric maps and analyzed using R Studio. The results indicate a substantial growth in pilgrimage research, with a concentration of studies in specific geographical regions and thematic areas. The analysis identified influential authors and journals, revealing key trends and knowledge gaps in the field. These findings contribute to a comprehensive understanding of pilgrimage research, inform future research and guide policy development.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Syaakir Sofyan, Najwa Gasim Yamani, A. Syathir Sofyan, Nur Syamsu, Noval Noval, Fatimawali Fatimawali Strategy Analysis on Traders in Manonda Inpres Market Palu (Islamic Law-Ethics Perspective)2024-12-18T02:01:03+00:00Nasaruddin Nasaruddinariefpratmo@gmail.comMuhammad Syarif<p>The purpose of this research is to describe the competitive strategy and analyze the perspective of Islamic business ethics on the competitive strategy of traders in the Manonda Market Palu. This study uses the Participatory Action Research (PAR) research method. The result of this research is Competitive Strategy traders at Manonda Inpres Market, Palu City, covering price strategies, promotions, and products. Some of these strategies have not been implemented properly. In terms of ethics business with the characteristics that the Prophet exemplified: Siddiq (honest), Amanah (Trust), Fatanah (Intelligent), and Tablig (Argumentative and Communicative). not running as it should be, To reap big profits, one way is done by traders in the Manonda Presidential Market still often playing cheating, there has been a trading strategy pattern holding the trust of A business person's ability to communicate products or goods most appropriately.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nasaruddin Nasaruddin, Muhammad Syarif Hasyim, Sapruddin of Leonardo AI in Developing Teaching Materials for Islamic Religious Education Students: Case Study at FTIK UIN Datokarama Palu2024-12-18T02:47:25+00:00Mohammad Djamil M. Nurariefpratmo@gmail.comHartati<p>This study aims to evaluate the use of Leonardo AI in developing teaching materials for Islamic Religious Education (PAI) students at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) UIN Datokarama Palu. Using a survey approach, this study collected data from 50 students who had used Leonardo AI in the learning process. The results showed that the use of Leonardo AI significantly improved the quality and effectiveness of teaching materials and enriched students' learning experiences. As many as 85% of respondents stated that Leonardo AI helped create more exciting and interactive materials, while 80% stated that their understanding of the material increased. However, several technical obstacles and a need for more training in using this application were also identified. These findings suggest that although AI technology can provide significant educational benefits, additional support is needed to overcome existing challenges.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Djamil M. Nur, Hartati Hartati Phenomenon of Kufr Time and Its Implications in the Approach to Tafsir Maudhu'i2024-12-18T03:20:37+00:00Gasim Yamaniariefpratmo@gmail.comNajwa Gasim<p>This study aims to explore the phenomenon of ungratefulness over time and its implications from the perspective of the Qur'an. This study uses the Maudhu'iy Interpretation Method (thematic) approach, an interpretation method whose systematic work is collecting verses of the Qur'an related to the object being studied. Furthermore, these verses are identified and analyzed to ensure their correlation with the ungratefulness of time, which is the object of the author's research. Based on the identification and analysis results, the Qur'an explains time as one of the many blessings of Allah that are given to humans. Therefore, if humans do not use time as well as possible for the benefit of themselves and others, then they are ungrateful for Allah's blessings. On the other hand, if they use time as well as possible and are not ungrateful, they have obeyed Allah's provisions and are grateful for His blessings. The understanding of the ungratefulness of time contains two meanings: First is the Nominal meaning, and Second is the Functional meaning. Time with a nominal meaning is a period from zero years when a person is born until his death. Meanwhile, time that has a functional meaning is a span of time that has been given by Allah and utilized by each person in doing good to provide benefits for themselves and others. Verses related to nominal and functional time are found in the Qur'an, including the following: QS. al-Furqan: 62, QS. al-Ashr: 1, 2, 3, and QS. Yasin: 68. The meaning of time that has a nominal meaning in the perspective of the Qur'an is as contained in QS. Yasin verse 68 describes the meaning of time, which has a functional meaning from the perspective of the Qur'an and is included in QS. al-Furqan: 62 and QS. al-Ashr: 1, 2, 3. Thus, the Qur'an teaches that each individual should utilize their nominal and functional time as best they can, full of a deep sense of belonging and high responsibility for the good of themselves and the benefit of others. Implementing nominal and functional time taught in the Qur'an should positively impact each individual's social-religious life. Based on the rational-religious arguments described in the abstract, each individual must understand the meaning of time well from its nominal aspect and functional aspect and be able to implement it in everyday life.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Gasim Yamani, Najwa Gasim Yamani Disputes and Disvorce and Alternative Resolutions2024-12-18T03:55:07+00:00Mohammad Ikbalariefpratmo@gmail.comMarzuki<p>This article discusses marriage and divorce disputes and alternative resolutions. The research used by the authors is library research, namely research in which the study is carried out by searching and reviewing literature or wirtten sources related to the subject of discussion (research that focuses on library materials). The research results show that the complexity of marital dispute and divorce: disputes in marriage and divorce can involve various aspects, inclauding finances, chlid custody, joint property, and emotional problems. This makes the complex and requires a careful approach. There are various types of alternative dispute resolution that can be used in various situations, including; dispute resolutions through consultation, negotiation (deliberation), mediation, conciliation and expert opinion. Each alternatives has advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered by the parties involved. The inportance of openness and cooperation in resolving marriage and divorce disputes, openness and coperation between both parties is very important. The more cooperative they are, the more likely it is to reach a fair and sustainable solution. And by considering various alternative solutions and inovolving openness and cooperation between partners, marital dispute and divorce can be resolved in a way that minimizes conflict and takes into account the interets of allparties involved.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Ikbal, Marzuki Marzuki of Domestic Violence and Its Solutions From The Perspective of Islamic Law and Positive Law2024-12-19T02:25:30+00:00Ikram Ikramariefpratmo@gmail.comNasaruddin<p>Domestic violence is a serious issue affecting many families worldwide. Addressing this problem requires a comprehensive approach that includes legal frameworks and social interventions. This paper explores the problems of domestic violence from the perspectives of Islamic law and positive law. In Islamic law, domestic violence is strictly prohibited. The Quran and Hadith provide clear guidance on treating family members with kindness and respect. Any form of harm or abuse is considered a violation of the principles of justice and compassion that are central to Islamic teachings. Solutions within this framework include education and awareness, counseling, and mediation. From the perspective of positive law, various legislations have been implemented to protect victims of domestic violence and punish perpetrators. This paper analyzes the effectiveness of these laws and identifies weaknesses and challenges faced in their implementation. Additionally, it discusses the importance of collaboration between various parties, including the government, legal institutions, and non-governmental organizations, in addressing the issue of domestic violence. Through this comparative approach, the paper aims to provide a deeper insight into how Islamic law and positive law can contribute to the prevention and handling of domestic violence, as well as offer recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of existing strategies and policies.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ikram Ikram, Nasaruddin Nasaruddin of Inheritance Document Disputes and Their Solutions Perspective of Islamic Law and Positive Law2024-12-19T02:40:19+00:00Ali Zainal Abidinariefpratmo@gmail.comSahran<p>Inheritance disputes are often complex problems involving legal, social and psychological aspects. In the context of Islamic law and positive law in Indonesia, there are significant differences in the regulation and resolution of inheritance disputes. Islamic law, which regulates inheritance based on sharia principles, emphasizes the fair and equitable distribution of inherited assets in accordance with the provisions of the Koran and Hadith. In contrast, Indonesian positive law, which refers to the Civil Code (KUHPerdata) and other laws, uses principles that may differ in terms of inheritance distribution, including recognition of customary law and court decisions. Problems arise when there is a discrepancy between these two legal systems, especially in matters of distribution of inheritance involving heirs with different religious and cultural backgrounds. Legal uncertainty, conflicting interpretations, and procedural differences can exacerbate inheritance disputes and hinder the resolution process.<br>This abstract aims to identify and analyze problems that arise in inheritance disputes both in the context of Islamic law and positive law. In addition, possible solutions to resolve the conflict will be discussed, including mediation approaches and harmonization between the two legal systems. By understanding the differences and similarities in inheritance arrangements, it is hoped that a fair and effective middle way can be found in resolving inheritance disputes in Indonesia</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ali Zainal Abidin, Sahran Raden of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on The Development of Industry 4.0 in Indonesia2024-12-19T03:57:06+00:00Sofan Safriantoariefpratmo@gmail.comErniati<p>This study analyzes the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the development of Industry 4.0 in Indonesia. Using a mixed-method approach, this study combines quantitative analysis of a survey of 500 companies with in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with industrial stakeholders. The main objective of this research is to identify the level of AI adoption, its impact on productivity, the challenges of implementation, and its broader economic and social implications. The results show that 42% of Indonesian companies have adopted AI technology, with significant variations across industries. The manufacturing and financial sectors lead in adoption, while the agricultural and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sectors lag behind. Regression analysis reveals a strong positive correlation (r = 0.68, p < 0.001) between AI adoption and productivity increase, with an average efficiency increase of 27%.<br>The main challenges in implementing AI include the lack of skilled labor, digital infrastructure constraints, and regulatory uncertainty. A structural equation modeling (SEM) model shows that a 10% increase in AI adoption has the potential to increase GDP growth by 0.5% in the medium term.<br>This study concludes that AI plays a crucial role in driving the development of Industry 4.0 in Indonesia, but requires a holistic approach to maximize benefits and mitigate risks. The main recommendations include increasing investment in education and training related to AI, developing fiscal incentives for AI adoption in lagging sectors, accelerating digital infrastructure development, and establishing a comprehensive regulatory framework.<br>This study makes a significant contribution to understanding the role of AI in industrial transformation in developing countries and provides empirical grounds for developing policies that support the integration of AI into national economic development strategies in Indonesia.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sofan Safrianto, Erniati Erniati and Technology According to Islamic Views2024-12-28T12:18:13+00:00Awaluddin Awaluddinariefpratmo@gmail.comAskar<p>This article discusses Islamic views on technology in this day and age, technological progress cannot be stopped. The world is increasingly advanced and modern. With these developments and advances, science and technology are increasingly advanced. In Islam, science and technology are a necessity and must be in accordance with Islamic perspectives. Science and technology without an Islamic perspective will result in chaos, both physical and non-physical.<br>The methodology in the paper uses a descriptive qualitative approach, this research is realized by interpreting the main topic variables and then connecting other data variables, with the results presented in sentences<br>The research conclusion, which we can understand, is that the main role of Islam in the development of science and technology is at least 2. First, making Islamic Aqidah a paradigm of thought and science. Second, making Islamic sharia the standard for the use of science and technology</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Awaluddin Awaluddin, Askar Askar in Social Studies Learning2024-12-28T12:21:00+00:00Lindayanti Lindayantiariefpratmo@gmail.comAdawiyah<p>The scientific method consists of a series of activities in the form of: introduction and formulation of problems, collection of relevant information, formulation of hypotheses, implementation of experiments and publication or dissemination of information. The scientific revolution is a process of transition from the old paradigm to the new paradigm. With this paradigm change, the way scientists view problems, determine methods and techniques, and draw conclusions about natural reality will be different from before. Learning from the criticism developed by the scientific revolution of Popper and Thomas Kuhn, a positive attitude towards rejection and learning as much as possible from rejection, we must be more involved in research, education, and academics must be ready in criticism and also ready to criticize. In addition, learning from rejection is not a bad thing, but will spur us to produce better. Here we will be tested, whether we are ready to have different opinions, differences of opinion are not something forbidden, but are a blessing. The proverb says, opposing opinions will sow truth, as long as the goal is not just different opinions, but working together to find the truth.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Lindayanti Lindayanti, Adawiyah Pettalongi Problems and Their Solutions Perspective of Islamic Law and Positive Law2024-12-28T12:24:11+00:00Muhammad Sauki Alhabsyiariefpratmo@gmail.comGasim<p>Wills as a part of family law have an important role, namely determining and reflecting the legal system and form in society. As a teaching of Islamic law (Islamic Fiqh), wills have the aim of realizing benefit, justice and conformity. As a note, wills are part of the property transfer system (Sarwah) which cannot be separated from human life, where the meaning of wills concerns material and non-material things, while what often causes division is wills which are closely related to material things. Regarding the data in this paper, the author obtained it using library research methods (Library Research). This method is carried out by examining library materials or secondary data, which consists of: Primary materials, namely materials that are binding and consist of books, journals, etc., which are related to the problem being discussed. And, secondary materials, namely materials that provide explanations of primary materials in the form of articles resulting from research, or opinions of other legal experts.<br>regarding wills in the inheritance distribution system in Islamic law that wills in Islamic law are not merely about someone's last wishes, but rather one of the religious commands that must be carried out (for those who have large amounts of wealth), it is an effort to improve the welfare of the people/fellows in terms of distribution. and granting ownership rights to an inheritance and is a solution to the problem of dividing inheritance.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Sauki Alhabsyi, Gasim Yamani According to The Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) and Fiqh2024-12-28T12:26:18+00:00Husaema Husaemaariefpratmo@gmail.comErmawati<p>This paper tells about divorce, even though it is permissible in Islamic law but it is an act that is hated by Allah Almighty. This solution is given if there is no way out anymore to solve the problems that occur between husband and wife in their household. In the process of implementation there is a dualism of understanding in society. One side of divorce or thalak is the husband's right so he can freely drop it whenever and wherever he wants. This is done, of course, after careful deliberation and peaceful efforts by both husband and wife families. Such provisions are found in the fiqh of fiqh of the Imam of the sect one of which is the fiqh of the Imam Shafi'i sect. Fall of thalak like this is considered legitimate by people who have long held the understanding of the Imam of his school.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Husaema Husaema, Ermawati Ermawati of An Integrative Collaboration Model in Spelling Hijaiyah Letters For Deaf Hard of Hearing Students at SLB Negeri 1 Palu2024-12-28T12:28:03+00:00Nenny Kurniaty Lisfaariefpratmo@gmail.comKamaruddin<p>This research aims to develop an integrative collaborative model in spelling Hijaiyah letters for deaf students at SLB Negeri 1 Palu. The model was designed by combining Iqra method and Nahdliyah method to provide a comprehensive and effective learning approach. The research used a quantitative approach with an experimental design of Single Subject Research (SSR) type A-B-A-B. The research sample consisted of 8th grade deaf students who have hearing impairment or hard of hearing.<br>The results showed that this integrative collaboration model had a positive impact on the ability to recognise hijaiyah letters in deaf students. In the initial baseline condition, students were only able to recognise three hijaiyah letters. However, after being given intervention with an integrative collaboration model, there was a significant increase in the ability to recognise hijaiyah letters. The data showed that after the intervention, students were able to recognise all hijaiyah letters with a high level of mastery.<br>This study concludes that the integrative collaboration model that combines the Iqra and Nahdliyah methods can be an effective alternative solution in learning to spell hijaiyah letters for deaf students. This model not only improves students' ability to recognise hijaiyah letters, but also provides an inclusive and fun learning experience.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nenny Kurniaty Lisfa, Kamaruddin Kamaruddin Strategies for Success in The Technology Era 5.02024-12-28T12:29:46+00:00Sukma Said Acoariefpratmo@gmail.comAzma<p>Technology 5.0 is the latest evolution of technology, which connects the physical and digital worlds more integratively and effectively from its definition to its application in various sectors, such as manufacturing, agriculture, health and education. In the era of technology 5.0, technology increasingly optimizes human life by speeding up the production process and providing more efficient and accurate solutions. However, technological development also raises challenges, such as irresponsible use of technology and privacy violations. The Technology Era 5.0 has become a new phenomenon in the development of technology in various fields, including in the field of education. These changes influence education to be able to develop 21st century competencies and skills. This article reviews the development of education in the Technology 5.0 era, as well as the challenges and opportunities associated with the use of technology in education. In this era, curriculum and technology - based learning methods must be developed to meet the needs of the times. Teachers must also be trained to have the ability to operate increasingly sophisticated technology, as well as take advantage of opportunities to create more inclusive and skills-based learning. Education in the Technology 5.0 era provides an opportunity to strengthen the relevance of education to the needs of the times.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sukma Said Aco, Azma Azma Impact of Social Media on Family Resilience2024-12-28T12:31:40+00:00Faiz Izuddin Masykurariefpratmo@gmail.comAdam<p>Social media has become a part of life in society, there are many benefits that can be obtained and there are also negative impacts from social media itself. With the development of increasingly modern times and the increasing number of technologies, of course a family must have a foundation and also a fortress to maintain the family's resilience in using media in life. The causal factor for the impact of social media on family resilience is the lack of parental supervision of children in using social media properly. Furthermore, there are no restrictions for husbands and wives in using social media in interacting with other people. This article uses library research methods , namely research on written and library sources. The results of the library research that have been collected are then analyzed using content analysis and comparative methods. With the freedom and flexibility of children and parents in using social media, of course there needs to be supervision and limits to avoid cases of pornography which can damage children's brains and also infidelity which can damage the resilience of a family. From the research conducted, by looking at the increasingly rapid development of social media, it is necessary to have limitations in using it, especially in accessing the media, to avoid activities that can damage the family's resilience, and to always be careful when using social media. Use social media for positive things.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Faiz Izuddin Masykur, Adam Adam Quality Analysis, Private Schools Versus Public Schools2024-12-28T12:33:15+00:00Risno Risnoariefpratmo@gmail.comErniati<p>The existence of public and private schools as educational services by offering various variations of learning and facilities. Providing a positive impact on the world of education, parents of students have more choices to send their children to school, which they trust to educate their children. But on the other hand, it results in competition between public and private schools.<br>In this presentation we try to provide a comparative picture of the quality of education between public schools and private schools, by using a qualitative approach with a literature review with a comparison model from various articles and books.<br>From some of the results we obtained, there are differences in terms of quality between public schools and private schools including: 1). when viewed in terms of learning or curriculum, private schools are more flexible to organize learning and curriculum while public schools must comply with the standards set by the government. 2). In terms of facilities, private schools are superior to public schools, this is because public schools only rely on funding from the government. 3). In terms of achievement, private schools are superior to public schools, because extracurricular activities and teachers in private schools are more creative and innovative.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Risno Risno, Erniati Erniati Role of Spouses Under Islamic Family Law2024-12-28T12:34:54+00:00Friska Ameliaariefpratmo@gmail.comM. Taufan<p>This research work on the Role of Husband and Wife in Islamic Family Law is an important perfect of life to the Muslim community. It shows the obligations to be followed on the side of man and the women as a husban and wife in order to have a blessed matrimonial home. These highlighted the major requirement before the marriage contract and after the contract have been fully consummated. These include the right of the husband and wife, the role of the family and their relatives, the role of the entire community. Also the right of the children on the parents is highlighted. It is recommended that, all Muslim should have a first-hand understanding of the rights of both couples in order to have a peaceful matrimonial home.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Friska Amelia, M. Taufan B. Marriage Age Gives Birth to a Quality Generation2024-12-29T13:13:44+00:00Nurul Mauludi Buhunariefpratmo@gmail.comFatimawali<p>This article discusses the age of mature marriage to give birth to a quality generation, the main point of this article is to find out the age of maturity in marriage is very influential on a quality generation rather than the age of immature marriage. The article that the author aims to find out is that the most important thing to prepare before carrying out a marriage is to prepare mental maturity related to knowledge and awareness of the rights and obligations of a husband or wife, as well as the main purpose of marriage in the household. The author uses a type of qualitative research using a library research approach (Library Research). The results of the article that the author arranged at the age of maturity for marriage gave birth to a quality generation which of course parents must really have character, morals, and a good example for their children that they will leave in the future. If only parents were obedient and obedient to Allah SWT, they would certainly give birth to generations that were obedient and obedient too. The main conclusion in the article that the author compiled is that if you get married at a mature age, then the problems in the household can be resolved properly which can be through good communication as well.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Mauludi Buhun, Fatimawali Fatimawali Role of Administration in The Management of Madrasah Archives at MTs. Al-Ikhlas Sayo2024-12-29T13:15:46+00:00Sahrul Samsi Sirajuddinariefpratmo@gmail.comAndi<p>Madrasah administration or other names administration is intensive in serving, assisting, and fulfilling or providing matters related to educational information in madrasah. The purpose of administrative administration in an educational institution is to assist in the implementation of master works to achieve the objectives of the madrasah and provide information for madrasah leaders, teachers, or other personnel, especially for decision-making and control purposes that become the main task. The phenomenon that occurs in MTs. al-Ikhlas Sayo in the administrative part of the management of madrasah archives is that there is still a shortage in facilities and infrastructure for archive storage due to the number of archives that are increasing continuously . The purpose of the research in this article is to determine the role of the administrative department in managing madrasah archives in MTs. al-Ikhlas Sayo, to find out the obstacles and solutions faced in managing madrasah archives in MTs. al-Ikhlas sayo. The approach used in this study is qualitative with qualitative descriptive research methods . The subjects of research here are the head of the madrasa, the head of administration and administrative staff at MTs. al-Ikhlas sayo. Data collection techniques in this study are using interview, observation and documentation techniques.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sahrul Samsi Sirajuddin, Andi Markarma Concept of Multicultural-Based Islamic Education2024-12-29T13:18:33+00:00Nur Muh. Sultanariefpratmo@gmail.comAdawiyah<p>Multicultural Islamic education is essentially education that places multiculturalism as one of the visions of education with a main character that is complex in nature so that its scope is inclusive, egalitarian and humanist, but remains strong in spiritual and divine values based on the Qur'an and al-Qur'an. -Sunnah and education packaged through high awareness and respect for all differences in order to create an Islamic, democratic, pluralist, humanist and inclusive society. This multicultural Islamic education is also a concept of multicultural Islamic education that breathes peace, which is sensitive to social reality, prioritizes social safety, and is based on the values of unity, tolerance and justice as contained in the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. Writing purpose:<br>1.To find out the definition of the concept of multicultural-based Islamic education. <br>2.To find out the concept of multicultural-based Islamic education. library research methodology, Conclusion In essence, multicultural Islamic education is education that places multiculturalism as one of the educational visions, the scope of which is inclusive, egalitarian and humanist, but remains strong in spiritual/divine values as contained in the Al-Qur'an and Hadith.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Muh. Sultan, Adawiyah Pettalongi Adaptive Learning Innovation in MAN 2 Kota Palu to Optimize Student Potential2024-12-29T13:20:50+00:00Hartati Hartatiariefpratmo@gmail.comMuhammad Djamil M.<p>This research explores the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based adaptive learning technology in MAN 2 Kota Palu, focusing on optimizing students' academic potential. A qualitative approach is used by collecting data from interviews, observations, and document analysis. The results show that implementing AI -based adaptive learning has improved student motivation and learning outcomes. Teachers report that this technology allows for customizing teaching materials and methods according to students' needs, creating a more personalized and relevant learning experience. Nonetheless, the study also identified several challenges, including limited technology infrastructure, lack of teacher training, and initial resistance from some students to new technologies.<br>These findings provide valuable insights for education practitioners on innovative strategies for using AI to improve student learning outcomes in MAN 2 Kota Palu. This research also contributes to the understanding of the implementation of AI - based adaptive learning in the context of secondary education in Indonesia. The implications of these findings are important for the future development of educational technology, highlighting the importance of investment in adequate technology infrastructure and comprehensive training programs for teachers.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hartati Hartati, Muhammad Djamil M. Nur of Religious Moderation of The Ministry of Religious Affairs of Donggala District in Madrasah2024-12-29T13:22:38+00:00Minan Nurariefpratmo@gmail.comErmawati<p>This study aims to analyse the implementation of religious moderation in madrasas in Donggala Regency, evaluate its impact on the learning process, and identify challenges and solutions faced. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with madrasah principals, teachers, and students, as well as direct observation in several madrasahs that implement religious moderation. Documentation related to religious moderation policies and programmes was also analysed.<br>The results showed that the implementation of religious moderation in madrasas in Donggala Regency showed significant progress in terms of increasing moderate religious understanding. The modified curriculum includes materials on tolerance, diversity and principles of togetherness. Teacher training has been conducted regularly to strengthen their capacity to teach the values of religious moderation. Extracurricular activities such as seminars and interfaith discussions also contribute to creating a more inclusive atmosphere in the madrasah. Challenges faced include resistance from a small number of parties who still hold extreme views, limited resources for more intensive training, and difficulties in measuring the long-term impact of the religious moderation programme. Solutions include increasing the intensity of training, strengthening cooperation between madrasahs and local communities, and more systematic evaluation and monitoring to measure the effectiveness of religious moderation implementation.<br>The implementation of religious moderation by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Donggala Regency in madrasahs has made a positive contribution to the formation of a more harmonious and inclusive educational environment.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Minan Nur, Ermawati Ermawati Evaluation Instruments 2025-01-07T14:09:40+00:00Sinta Arsitaevhipasca@gmail.comAskar<p>Educational evaluation instruments are essential tools for measuring and assessing student learning outcomes. This text comprehensively discusses the definition, functions, objectives, characteristics, and types of educational evaluation instruments. Effective evaluation instruments must meet the criteria of validity, reliability, objectivity, practicability, and economy. The types of evaluation instruments are divided into two main categories: tests (written, oral, practical) and non-tests (observation, interview, questionnaire, portfolio). Each type of instrument has its own strengths and challenges in its application. Selecting the appropriate instrument is crucial to ensure accurate and comprehensive assessment of students' learning progress, as well as to provide useful information for educators in improving the quality of teaching. This text emphasizes the importance of evaluation instruments in supporting educational accountability, curriculum development, and overall improvement of educational quality.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sinta Arsita, Askar Askar Property Disputes and the Alternative Resolution2025-01-07T14:13:04+00:00Masnaeni Masnaenievhipasca@gmail.comGani<p>Marriage is a physical and spiritual bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of forming a happy and eternal family (household) based on the Almighty God. If any problems in the marriage can be resolved properly, then the household can be maintained. However, on the other hand, if the problems cannot be resolved, then divorce will arise as the last way out that will be taken. Divorce according to Islamic law is prohibited to be done principally. This can be seen in the signs of the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW that talaq or divorce is a permissible act but hated by Allah. Divorce, one of the worst household disputes that may happen to anyone, needs to be anticipated and learned beforehand so that married couples feel ready to face conflicts that may occur in the future, including the problem of dividing joint properties when a divorce occurs.</p> <p>This study aims to determine the kinship relationships that exist in Indonesia. This study is library-research with a descriptive method. The results of the study obtained the division of joint properties in marriage (<em>gono-gini</em>) needs to be based on aspects of justice for all parties involved. The justice in question includes the understanding that the division does not discriminate against one party. The interests of each party need to be accommodated as long as they are in accordance with the actual reality. The benefit of making a marriage agreement for the personal lives of each party is that the parties, those who make the agreement, both husband and wife, have the power and freedom to act which is to take legal action and utilize it.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Masnaeni Masnaeni, Gani Jumat Role Of The Family In Educating Children2025-01-13T14:00:10+00:00Nadya Alwievhipasca@gmail.comFatimah<p>This article discusses the role of the family in educating children, efforts to produce strong and quality next generations, consistent and continuous efforts are needed from parents in carrying out the task of nurturing, nurturing and educating their children both physically and spiritually until the child is an adult. and/or able to stand alone, where this task is the obligation of parents. the problem of child care and upbringing is a problem that concerns the protection of the child's own welfare in an effort to improve the quality of the child in its growth, and prevent neglect and unfair treatment in order to realize the child as a whole human being, tough, intelligent and virtuous, then a shelter for a child are parents. in the life of society everywhere, The family is the smallest unit whose role is very large. This enormous role is due to the fact that the family has a very important function in the continuity of social life. The process of knowing the rules and values adopted, for the first time is obtained in the family.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nadya Alwi, Fatimah Saguni New Era Of Islamic Education: Implementation Of Curriculum Management And Digital Learning2025-01-13T14:02:50+00:00Muh Fadel Yunusevhipasca@gmail.comAhmad<p>The digital era has brought significant changes to the world of education, including Islamic education. This article examines the implementation of curriculum management and digital learning in the context of Islamic education in this new era. Digital transformation presents both challenges and opportunities that require adaptation and innovation in the Islamic education system. Curriculum management in Islamic education in the digital era needs to consider technology integration, soft skills development, and learning flexibility. Other important aspects include interdisciplinary approaches, digital skills development, digital ethics, and cybersecurity. Project-based learning, technology-based evaluation, and adaptive curriculum development are also major focuses. The implementation of digital learning in Islamic education includes e-learning, blended learning, the use of interactive multimedia, and immersive technologies such as gamification and Virtual Reality. Other innovations include mobile learning, adaptive learning systems, social learning platforms, digital storytelling, and the use of Artificial Intelligence as tutors. While this transformation opens up various opportunities, there are challenges that need to be addressed, such as the digital divide, improving educator competencies, and data security and privacy issues. On the other hand, opportunities such as global collaboration, learning personalization, and sustainable Islamic education development can be leveraged to improve the quality of education. This article highlights the importance of maintaining a balance between technology adoption and preserving fundamental Islamic values in the educational process. With effective implementation, Islamic education is expected to remain relevant, competitive, and able to prepare a generation of Muslims who are proficient in religious knowledge while being ready to face the challenges of the digital era.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muh Fadel Yunus, Ahmad Syahid Marriage in Maqoshid Al-Syariah Perspective2025-01-14T01:09:23+00:00Rizal Rahman Hamzahevhipasca@gmail.comNasaruddin<p>Allah created humans in pairs, apart from being a necessity, it is also a way to preserve the human population on earth.</p> <p>Islam regulates the relationship between a man and a woman by means of a legal marriage bond. In modern times such as today, the marriage model is developing by means of online marriages. With the maqashid in mind, online marriages can be recognized if appropriate mechanisms are put in place to ensure the fulfillment of these conditions. In this regard, technological innovation should be used to support rather than replace the basic principles of Islamic law. This also shows the importance of adaptation and ijtihad in dealing with new challenges that arise in the digital age.</p> <p>Maqasid al-Shariah is the purpose or intention behind Islamic sharia, which aims to protect five main things: religion (hifz al-din), soul (hifz al-nafs), intellect (hifz al-aql), offspring (hifz al-nasl), and property (hifz al-mal). Every law in Islam is designed to achieve one or more of these objectives. Therefore, the legal analysis of online marriage should consider whether it supports or undermines the maqasid.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rizal Rahman Hamzah, Nasaruddin Nasaruddin Policy of the Head of Madrasah in Improving the Quality of Education in Madrasah2025-01-14T01:25:26+00:00Zulfadli Zulfadlievhipasca@gmail.comMohammad Djamil M.<p>This article discusses the management of Madrasah Principal's Policy in improving the quality of education. In Arikel, this is a descriptive qualitative research that discloses, finds and explores information about the management of Madrasah Heads of Policies in improving the quality of education. Research finds that the policies made by a leader in educational institutions are the most important factor for the achievement of educational goals. The policy of the head of Madrasah in improving the quality of education in Madrasas. It will not be separated from the three elements of education, namely, input, process, and graduates. To achieve this, the head of the madrasah must have a strategy or step in planning, organizing, mobilizing and supervising. And the head of the madrasah in improving the quality of education must have an attitude of loyalty, integrity, and commitment to achieve the quality of education.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Zulfadli Zulfadli, Mohammad Djamil M. Nur of Islamic Counseling Teachers in Forming the Disciplined Character of Students at SMAN 1 Topoyo During Online Learning2025-01-15T10:49:33+00:00Andri Andrievhipasca@gmail.comAzma<p>This article is concerned with the efforts of Islamic guidance and counseling teachers in forming the disciplined character of SMAN I Topoyo students during online learning. In view of this, the explanation in this thesis starts from the problem of how efforts are used by Islamic guidance and counseling teachers in forming the disciplined character of students at SMAN I Topoyo during online learning? What are the supporting and inhibiting factors for Islamic guidance and counseling teachers in forming the disciplined character of SMAN I Topoyo students during online learning? With this in mind, the thesis aims to find out the efforts used by SMAN I Topoyo teachers in forming the disciplined character of students during online learning, as well as finding out what the supporting and inhibiting factors are for Islamic guidance and counseling teachers in forming the students' disciplinary character.</p> <p>during online learning. To answer this problem, the author uses qualitative research methods, using data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions.</p> <p>The research results show that the efforts of Islamic counseling teachers in forming the disciplined character of SMAN I Topoyo students during online learning are integrated through five points of effort, namely: (a) Creating an online learning WhatsApp group. (b) Giving advice.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Andri Andri, Azma Azma Involvement Strategy Managementimproving Quality At Mts Nur Labean District Balaesang Donggala Regency2025-01-16T01:55:14+00:00Nurhalim Nurhalimevhipasca@gmail.comAskar<p>This thesis discusses "Strategy Management of Student Involvement in Improving Quality at MTs Nur Labean, Balaesang District, Donggala Regency" with a problem formulation. What is the management strategy for involving students in improving quality at MTs Nur Labean, Balesang District, Donggala Regency? What are the impacts of involving students in improving quality at MTs Nur Labean, Balesang District, Donggala Regency?</p> <p>This research uses a qualitative approach, data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and data verification.</p> <p>The results of this research show strategies for involving the social environment in improving the quality of management at MTs Nur Labean, Balaesang District, Donggala Regency, namely, 1) What are the management strategies for involving students in improving quality at MTs Nur Labean, Balaesang District, Donggala Regency, including: The Ramadhan lecture program involves students studying texts, being tested by appearing in front of friends, then delivering lectures in the community. Activities such as Friday Blessings and tahlilan also strengthen students' social involvement and character education. 3) The impact of involving students in improving the quality of management at MTs Nur Labean, Balesang District, Donggala Regency: for this activity there has been no negative impact, there is now a positive impact, and the community can see it because this MTs school is close to a junior high school and thank God our students Here we can compete with state schools. This year there are around sixty new students. I think this is the impact of community activities so that they see that apparently this school has a program that can develop children in a more positive way.</p> <p>Conclusions have a positive impact on management at MTs, strengthening transparency and accountability, and creating a sense of togetherness that strengthens relations between the school and its surroundings. With facilities and programs that continue to be improved, as well as the hard work of teachers in ensuring the presence and involvement of students, MTs Nur Labean has succeeded in showing a strong commitment to developing the character and skills of its students, as well as making a positive contribution to society.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nurhalim Nurhalim, Askar Askar Ahmed An-Naim Islamic Legal Thinking “Deconstruction Syariah”2025-01-16T01:57:13+00:00Halima Halimaevhipasca@gmail.comGani<p>This article discusses the Islamic Legal Thought of Abdullah Ahmed An-Naim "Deconstruction of Sharia". The research used by the compiler is library research, which is research whose studies are carried out by tracing and examining literature or written sources related to the subject matter (research focused on library materials). The results showed An-Naim, born in Sudan in 1946 who is more familiarly called An-na`im, Na'im completed his undergraduate education at the University of Khartoum Sudan and received an LL.B degree cum laude. Three years later (1973) An-Na'im received three degrees at once LL.B., LL.M., and M.A. (diploma in criminology) from the University of Cambridge, English. In 1976, he received his Ph.D., in law from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, with a dissertation on the comparison of criminal pre-trial procedures (English, Scottish, American, and Sudanese law).</p> <p> As for An-Naim's thinking on the deconstruction of sharia; Sharia as a historical product, Madaniyah Historical Sharia, Makiyyah Modern Sharia, Nasakh as a modern methodology. It seems clear that an-Na "im does not use a secular approach in building Islamic legal methodology, as he is often accused of, but still makes al- Qur "an and as-Sunnah as the primary source in extracting Islamic law. This can be seen from the concept of ijtihad that he built with the naskh method. The difference is that traditional scholars interpret naskh with the elimination of the legal content of the verse of the Qur'an forever, and the verse that was later revealed canceled the verse that was revealed first with the term Madaniyyah verse erasing the Makkiyyah verse. In contrast to that, An-Na'im interprets naskh as the postponement of Qur'anic verses that are not relevant to a particular social context, and will be able to return to apply at other times and social contexts when the verse is needed. Thus it is clear that the criteria for nasikh mansukh is which verse is better, not which verse was revealed first.</p> <p>The thinking of Abdullah Ahmad An Naim offers a bold and controversial view of how Islamic law can adapt to the modern world. Through his approach that prioritizes human rights and the concept of a secular state, An Naim encourages important debates about the application of Islamic law in contemporary society.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Halima Halima, Gani Jumat Influence of Code of Ethics and Competence on Teachers' Work Behavior at Mts Negeri Palu 2025-01-16T02:02:42+00:00Hasnirwana Hasnirwanaevhipasca@gmail.comJihan<p>This study aims to determine the influence of the code of ethics and competence both partially and simultaneously on the work behavior of teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Palu City. The code of ethics has indicators including norms of teachers' relationships with students, parents, peers, the community, professions and professional organizations, and the government. Competence has indicators including pedagogic, personality, social and professional competence. Work behavior has indicators including social skills, work quality, work habits and self-control. This study is a quantitative research using an ex post facto research design. The research population is all students in MTs Negeri 2 Palu City grades VII, VIII, and IX totaling 708 people. Sampling uses <em>stratified random sampling</em>, and 10% of each class so that the sample totals 84 people. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out with the SPSS version 25 program with a multiple linear regression analysis model. The results of the multiple linear regression test obtained a regression equation of Y = 0.620 + 0.291 X<sub>1</sub> + 0.692 X2. The results of the t-test obtained a significance value of the code of ethics variable of 0.004 < 0.05 and a significance value of the competency variable of 0.000 < 0.05. This shows that the code of ethics and competence partially affects the work behavior of teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Palu City. In addition, the results of the F test obtained a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. This shows that the code of ethics and competence simultaneously affect the work behavior of teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Palu City. The coefficient of determination was obtained <em> with the value of R Square </em>= 0.588, the percentage of simultaneous influence of code of ethics and competence on work behavior was 0.588 or 58.8% and the remaining 41.2% was influenced by other variables. This study shows that the better the code of ethics and competence, the better the teacher's work behavior.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hasnirwana Hasnirwana, Jihan Jihan Resources Information System2025-01-16T15:30:50+00:00Mohamad Rifainariefpratmo@gmail.comErniati<p>Human Resources Information System is a form of intersection/meeting between the fields of human resource management and information technology. Meanwhile, the Human Resources Information System is a computer application program that organizes the management and management of Human Resources in a company to support the decision-making process by providing various necessary information. The purpose of this article is to explore the meaning, the function or benefits, the characteristics, the components, and models of information systems. In simple terms, it is a systematic procedure for collecting, storing, retaining, retrieving, and validating the data needed by an organization about its human resources, personnel activities, and characteristics of its organizational units. Human resource information systems have two main objectives, increasing efficiency and multiplying productivity and have the characteristics, timely, accurate, concise, relevant and complete. It is basic components consisting of input, process, and output. The model may be varied, in university, SIAKAD model is well known.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mohamad Rifain, Erniati Erniati of Participatory Management in Increasing Community Participation (Case Study of MA Alkhiraat Palu City Center)2025-01-16T15:31:56+00:00Ummi Kalsumariefpratmo@gmail.comSagaf S.<p>The importance of the active role of society in education and states that society is not only an object but also a subject of education. The participatory management approach implemented at MA Alkhairaat Pusat Palu City shows confidence in active participation and community participation in efforts to improve the quality of education.<br>In this regard, the explanation in this thesis departs from the problem of what is the role of the community in implementing participatory management at MA Alkhiraat, Central City of Palu? And what efforts can be made to increase community participation in implementing the passive management partition at MA Alkhiraat Pusat Palu City?<br>This research uses a qualitative approach, data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation studies, the data analysis techniques used are data reduction and drawing conclusions. <br>The research results show that the implementation of participatory management at MA Alkhiraat Pusat Palu City requires active involvement and collaboration from all related parties. Efforts made to increase community participation in implementing participatory management at MA Alkhiraat Palu City Center require increased communication and information, community involvement in decision making, partnerships with local communities and social institutions, as well as transparency and accountability in school management.<br>This research concludes the importance of a holistic participatory management approach and a focus on collaboration to improve academic services and educational success at MA Alkhiraat Pusat, Palu City.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ummi Kalsum, Sagaf S. Pettalongi Influence of Social Stratification on the Concept of Kafa'ah in Social Marriage2025-01-16T15:33:02+00:00Alfa Singgani L. Iradeariefpratmo@gmail.comFaisal<p>Social stratification is a distinction between individuals or groups in a society. It classifies them into certain social classes hierarchically and provides different rights and obligations between individuals in one layer and another. Social stratification in a family is formed due to differences in status among members of society. The influence of social stratification on the concept of kafaah in Islamic marriage is to avoid the negative impact of inequality between husband and wife. In a marriage, kafa'ah means balance and harmony between the future wife and husband. That way, each candidate will not have any objections to getting married.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Alfa Singgani L. Irade, Faisal Attamimi and Dakwah in Islamic Educational Institutions2025-01-16T15:34:25+00:00Fitri Fastabichul Haeratariefpratmo@gmail.comAdam<p>Communication and da'wah are play an important role in the success of Islamic education institutions. Communication is the process of delivering ideas that are horizontal, vertical or diagonal. Effective communication efforts can be carried out by fulfilling all elements of communication consisting of communicators, messages, channels, sources, and effects. In addition, it is necessary to take a persuasive approach and emotional closeness by increasing communication skills for da'wah. The form of effective communication at educational institutions is inter-professional-collaborative communications, associative-accommodative and interpersonal communication, this form of communication must be adapted to the shared of organizational culture.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fitri Fastabichul Haerat, Adam Adam Phenomenon of the Qosidah Burdah Reading Ritual at the Palu City Eling Berkah Assembly in the Perspective of Islamic Law2025-01-16T15:35:29+00:00Muhammad Syarifariefpratmo@gmail.comGasim Yamaniariefpratmo@gmail.comSitti<p>This research aims to analyze the phenomenon of the Qosidah Burdah reading ritual carried out by the Eling Berkah Council in Palu City, with a focus on the perspective of Islamic law. Qosidah Burdah is an Arabic literary work that is highly respected in the Islamic tradition and is often read at various religious events. This research uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological method, which includes direct observation and interviews with assembly members and religious figures in Palu City. The research results show that the recitation of Qosidah Burdah at the Eling Berkah Council is carried out as a form of respect for the Prophet Muhammad SAW and as a means to get closer to Allah. However, there are differences of opinion among scholars regarding the suitability of this ritual with pure Islamic teachings. These findings highlight the importance of a deep understanding and critical assessment of ritual practices in the context of Islamic law to maintain harmony between religious traditions and sharia principles. It is hoped that this research will provide insight into the development of a better understanding of Islamic law regarding ritual practices in society.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Syarif, Gasim Yamani, Sitti Nurkhaerah Digital Report Application Management in Supporting Mis Aisyiyah Palu Teacher Performance2025-01-16T15:59:22+00:00Zahratul Nissaariefpratmo@gmail.comNurdin<p>Assessment is a systematic procedure and includes activities in the form of collection, analysis, and interpretation. Assessment is also a decision-making process based on information obtained by measuring student learning outcomes, both by using test and non-test tools. Assessment principles based on assessment management standards regulated by law include: valid, factual, neutral, integrated, permissive, inclusive and continuous, structured, efficient, educative, and responsible. Previously, the assessment of student learning outcomes was managed manually by the teacher, but as technology develops in 2021, the Ministry of Religion, through the Directorate of Islamic Education, has launched a Rapor Digital Madrasah which is available for all private and public madrasas in Indonesia. Rapor Digital Madrasah (RDM) is a refinement of the Digital Report Card Application (ARD). RDM aims to ensure the management of student learning outcomes quickly, accurately, efficiently, and effectively. RDM is an assessment of learning performance that functions as a store of value for madrasas. RDM is factual and flexible and can be used for madrasas with credit systems or packages. This research aims to determine the management of the madrasa digital report card application at MIS Aisyiyah Palu and the management of the madrasa digital report card application in supporting teacher performance at MIS Aisyiyah Palu. The method used in this research is qualitative research which focuses on describing the management of madrasah digital report card applications in supporting teacher performance at MIS Aisyiyah Palu. The results of the study concluded that the RDM used by MIS Aisyiyah Palu was the RDM version of VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure). The advantage of this version of RDM is its use through individual devices by connecting to a local server using a local network. for the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the VDI RDM version, it can be said that it is enough to see the accuracy in managing grades in this RDM application which makes it easier for teachers to input grades in report cards. It's just that being able to input grades in the RDM version of VDI cannot be said to be efficient because the teachers' laptops must be close to the server computer so that they cannot be done anywhere other than at the Madrasah.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Zahratul Nissa, Nurdin Nurdin Permission From The Perspective Of Maqashid Al-Syariah (Study Of The Judge's Decision In Palu Religious Court Class 1 A)2025-01-16T16:00:24+00:00Rosan Gusmawanariefpratmo@gmail.comGasim Yamaniariefpratmo@gmail.comSuhri<p>This is what then makes judges carry out ijtihad outside the context of the law by interpreting or contra legem as specified in the explanation of article 1 of Law no. 4 of 2004 concerning Judicial Power, and article 5 paragraph (2) of Law no. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. (2) Islam has regulated polygamy with predetermined conditions such as fulfilling a fair and capable attitude. Of course, not every case of polygamy in PA Palu Class 1 A is motivated by reasons as outlined by Islam, but they vary. Maqashid Al-Syariah is not burdensome, but rather lightening, with the existence of maqashid al-syariah as a pillar in doing good things, in polygamy maqashid al-syariah is really needed, because it has benefits for people who want to do polygamy, of course they don't run away from it. fair nature, financially capable, and other things. And the judge's decision can be given to the polygamist applicant with a decision of either acceptance or rejection, seen again from the perspective of benefit and being able to do justice to his wifes.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rosan Gusmawan, Gasim Yamani, Suhri Hanafi Resilience in the Digital Age: Strengthening Al-Quran Values in Counteracting the Dangers of Online Gambling: Maqashidi's Tafsir Perspective2025-01-16T16:02:04+00:00Mohammad Fauzanariefpratmo@gmail.comFaisal<p>Family resilience is now under threat from the advancement of digitalization, which easily accesses anything with the Internet. Online gambling is a form of consequence of technological advances in the digital era, as well as concrete evidence of crimes facilitated by technology. The Qur'an has prohibited gambling behavior with consideration of benefits as not to damage religion, soul, intellect, generation and human economy. it is necessary to take solutive action in counteracting Qur'an- based online gambling.<br>To deepen the findings, the author uses a qualitative descriptive approach and literature institution research. Qualitative research is a type of research that is based on steps to understand the problem thoroughly. It is undeniable that the development of the times always comes with problems and challenges, the imperative of humans as connoisseurs of the development of the times is wise and intelligent in educating themselves and those closest to them in the use of increasingly rapid technological sophistication. Therefore, family resilience in this digital era is seen as very necessary, because it will greatly affect the relationship between families and the wider community.<br>The prohibition of gambling in verse Q.S. Al-Baqarah verse 219 if using the maqashidi tafsir approach, seems to mandate humans to maintain religion, self, intellect, generation and economy by staying away from gambling and khamar. So that by staying away from it, it will also prevent the family from the threat of damage in family resilience. The steps that can be taken in counteracting online gambling include improving family communication, economic rehabilitation and increasing the invitation of the government and influencers. This step is considered to be able to suppress the rise of online gambling in Indonesia.</p>2024-08-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Fauzan, Faisal Attamimi Life in the Digital Era : Da’wah, Muamalah and Education2025-01-16T16:03:16+00:00Moh. Rizalariefpratmo@gmail.comLukman S.<p>As a monotheistic religion, Islam has values and standards that cannot be compared to other religions in the world. Muslims accept and practice Islamic teachings with great love. The application of Islamic teachings by its followers, in addition to being based on love, is also because the application and practice of the teachings of this religion are considered to provide inner peace to its devout adherents. This phenomenon persists amidst the many "religions" that have emerged and then disappeared in the historical perspective. However, this is not the case with Islam, it has survived, increasing the number of its followers and continuing to show that it is in accordance with all places, times and conditions. Islam has been able to prove that its teachings are not teachings that are not in accordance with the development of the times, let alone contradictory. In the era of technology, both digital and other types of technology, the correlation between Islam and all its teachings with its truth proven by technology is increasingly being found. Verses that in ancient times were only believed in without any empirical proof, are now increasingly being scientifically proven to be true. In this article, the author will try to describe the existence of Islam in three dimensions of life, namely preaching in the digital era, muamalah and economic activities in the era of digital transactions and Islamic education facing globalization and educational issues that indirectly influence the Islamic education system whose concept comes from the Qur'an and hadith, while other education that is side by side with the principles of Islamic education, comes from the values of secularism and individualism. In this article, the author uses a library research method, namely by conducting research on library sources, both in books and online literature sources.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Moh. Rizal, Lukman S. Thahir Islamic Education Curriculum Construction Approach2025-01-16T16:04:40+00:00Hasran S. Abajiaariefpratmo@gmail.comUbadah<p>Studies related to efforts to find the concept of multicultural-based religious education need to be carried out. This can be started by formulating theories and concepts of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in Muslim communities and national educational institutions under the coordination of the Ministry of Religion and the Ministry of National Education. <br>Islamic religious education based on multiculturalism is learning to live with differences, building mutual trust, mutual understanding, and demanding mutual respect, conflict and reconciliation without violence. A multicultural Islamic religious education curriculum can be developed through material from the Koran, fiqh, morals and Islamic history. In its development, the curriculum needs to be based on the principles of content integration, knowledge construction processes, fair teaching methods and reduction of prejudice. <br>The curriculum is the core of educational institutions, because the curriculum is offered to the public, with the support of qualified human resources (HR) teachers, as well as other adequate learning resources. We can interpret the discourse about the curriculum that the curriculum is only Course Out Line or GBPP, or includes all the experiences provided by teachers to students in their educational transformation.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hasran S. Abajia, Ubadah Ubadah Contribution of Islamic Education to The Formation of National Character2025-01-16T16:21:36+00:00Amiruddin Amiruddinariefpratmo@gmail.comUbadah<p>Islamic education has an important role in shaping national character, with a main focus on developing morals, ethics and leadership based on Islamic principles. This article discusses how Islamic education influences the formation of national character through various aspects, including cultivating noble morals, developing ethical leadership, and promoting tolerance and social integration.<br>Islamic education teaches values such as honesty, patience, and social concern, which contribute to the formation of individuals with strong moral character. In addition, leadership training based on the example of the Prophet Muhammad SAW prepares individuals to become fair and responsible leaders. Islamic education also encourages an attitude of tolerance towards religious and cultural differences, which is important in creating a harmonious and coherent society.<br>This article also identifies the impact of Islamic education on educational and professional quality, as well as its role in social and economic development. Recommendations are given for the integration of multicultural curricula, implementation of interfaith dialogue programs, development of value-based leadership programs, and increased social and economic collaboration.<br>Overall, Islamic education contributes significantly to the formation of national character by supporting the moral and ethical values that underlie social and professional life. Implementation and continued development of these principles can strengthen the role of Islamic education in creating a better and more prosperous society.</p>2024-08-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Amiruddin Amiruddin, Ubadah Ubadah and Concepts of Quality Islamic Education2025-01-16T16:23:07+00:00Mutmainnah Mutmainnahariefpratmo@gmail.comHamlan<p>The Islamic education provided can provide a deep understanding of the teachings. Quality Islamic education must pay attention to learning principles and theories. Islamic education is an important part in forming Islamic character and values for Muslim individuals (Nopel, 2022). Writing this scientific article combines qualitative, historical, comparative, case study and participatory approaches. Islamic education is rooted in the Koran and Hadith. The Qur'an contains fundamental principles that cover various aspects of life, including education. Hadith complement the Qur'an by providing practical examples from the life of the Prophet Muhammad that can be applied in the educational process. In the modern context, Islamic education continues to experience renewal by integrating technology, contemporary teaching methodologies, and innovative pedagogical approaches. Quality Islamic education also emphasizes the importance of intercultural and interreligious dialogue and cooperation. It aims to build a harmonious and respectful society, as well as to overcome global challenges such as intolerance and extremism (Esposito, 2010).</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mutmainnah Mutmainnah, Hamlan Hamlan Foundations of Human Resource Management (HRM) from the Perspecive of the Quran and Hadith2025-01-16T16:24:48+00:00Zakiatul Fatanahariefpratmo@gmail.comMohammad<p>From several opinions and explanations of the definition of management, it can be concluded that management is a leadership activity using all the resources needed to achieve the goals of the organization so that with good management, it is hoped that the goals can be achieved effectively and efficiently. The type of research used is a qualitative research model. Qualitative research aims to obtain a comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon from the perspective of the people being studied. Qualitative research deals with ideas, perceptions, opinions, or beliefs of the subjects; all of which cannot be measured in numerical terms. Functions of Human Resource Management: Planning and Acting: This involves strategizing and executing plans. Organizing and Controlling: This includes structuring and monitoring activities. Basic Principles of Human Resource Management in Islamic Education: The importance of fundamental principles in the practice of Islamic education management includes: 1. Determining work methods/techniques. 2. Selecting workers and developing their skills. 3. Choosing work procedures. 4. Defining task boundaries. 5. Preparing and creating task specifications. 6. Conducting education and training. 7. Determining the system and amount of rewards.</p>2024-08-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Zakiatul Fatanah, Mohammad Idhan Digital Frontiers: Educational Pathways for the Artificial Intelligence Era2025-01-16T16:26:13+00:00Ambo Attangariefpratmo@gmail.comNurdin<p>The study of education system transformation in the digital and artificial intelligence (AI) era explores innovative pathways emerging in response to rapid technological change. Through case study analysis, expert interviews, and reflection on current literature, the study identifies key trends in technology-based education, including adaptive learning, the use of virtual and augmented reality, and the integration of AI in assessment and personalization of learning. The findings suggest that successful education in the AI era depends on a balance between technological mastery and the development of unique human skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence. It offers strategic recommendations for education stakeholders to design curricula and teaching methods that prepare learners for the challenges and opportunities of the evolving digital frontier, with the aim of creating an adaptive and relevant education system for the future.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ambo Attang, Nurdin Nurdin Architect: A Study on Islamic Education Teachers in Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi2025-01-28T02:19:32+00:00Makmur<p>The objective of this research is to uncover and explore the role of a learning architect in state junior high schools in Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, in designing and developing effective, efficient, and meaningful learning. Additionally, a learning architect in educational institutions must serve as a reflection of noble character for students, colleagues, and the community. This study employs a qualitative approach with a case study method, involving classroom observations, in- depth interviews, and document collection. The findings reveal that teachers design learning by considering the diverse backgrounds of students, employing various teaching methods and media, and addressing challenges related to these differences. Solutions to these challenges include leveraging technology and innovative approaches to enhance student participation in learning. This research emphasizes the critical role of teachers in designing learning to achieve a promising future for Islamic education through innovative, effective, efficient, and contextual teaching.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Makmur Makmur, Moh. Rifad, Sumiati Sumiati, Dyan Pratiwi, Dewi Handayani Padlet to Enhance Students’ Collaborative Writing in a Virtual Learning Environment2025-01-28T02:21:24+00:00Santiana Gafur<p>This study examines the utilisation of Padlet as a collaborative writing platform to augment students’ collaborative writing skills within a Virtual Learning Environment (hereafter VLE). The study employs case studies involving observations, document analysis, and interviews to investigate the real-world implementation of Padlet in VLE. Evidence from research suggests that Padlet provides constructive feedback, involvement focused on assessing the Comments, is highly effective in fostering collaborative engagement through Padlet-facilitated writing sessions, Improvement in grammar, vocabulary, and coherence in writing, and enhances essay quality through collaborative engagement on Padlet. Nevertheless, there is still a requirement to exploit its potential further. The non-appearance of dedicated text highlighting and commenting functionalities on the platform impeded its capacity to offer focused feedback, thus constituting a noteworthy constraint. Despite certain limitations, Padlet significantly improves multiple aspects of students’ writing skills. Padlet’s collaborative platform enables the exchange of peer feedback, enhances grammar, vocabulary, and coherence, and increases student motivation in the learning process. However, students’ limited exploration of Padlet’s features emphasises the difference between its potential and how it is currently used in VLE settings. Additional research should prioritise addressing the functional limitations of Padlet by advocating for feature enhancements that enable more accurate and specific feedback.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Santiana Santiana, Abdul Gafur Marzuki of Conflict and Integration of the Kaili People in Palu City2025-01-28T02:22:41+00:00Gani M.<p>A Kaili people (hereinafter referred to as To- Kaili), especially the people of Nunu and Tavanjuka sub-districts in Palu City, on the one hand, have a high level of solidarity and mobility when they interact with various ethnicities in the surrounding environment, but on the other hand they contain latent potential for conflict which can disrupt peace, security and even destroying the social structure for both families. It might even have negative implications for the security guarantees of neighbouring villages. Usually, the potential for latent conflict occurs in communities with different religions, ethnicities, tribes, races and cultures, but what happens to the Nunu and Tavanjuka communities, in fact, both adhere to Islam, still have kinship relations and come from the same linguistic and ethnic group. The same is true, namely, the Kaili tribe uses the Kaili language, the Ledo dialect. Interestingly, despite the many times of conflict, peaceful space has still been found for reintegration. This article will attempt to explain and reveal the roots of conflict and spaces for integration for the Nunu and Tavanjuka communities in Palu City.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Gani Jumat, Idrus M. Said Perspectives on AI-Assisted Tools in Learning Narrative Writing (A Study on Indonesian Islamic Higher Education)2025-01-31T02:34:42+00:00Dzakiah<p>The integration of AI-assisted tools in language education has gained attention, yet their specific impact on narrative writing among EFL students remains underexplored. This study aims to address this gap by examining EFL students' perceptions of using AI-assisted tools for narrative writing at State Islamic University Datokarama Palu. This study employs a descriptive qualitative design. Semi- structured interviews were conducted with students to gather insights into their perceptions and experiences. Findings reveal that while EFL students at State Islamic University Datokarama Palu generally view AI-assisted tools as valuable resources, there are also challenges and potential drawbacks. The use of these tools can promote efficiency, facilitate idea development and language accuracy, concerns about about over-reliance, reduced creativity, and issues related to technical access also emerged. The study concludes that while AI-assisted tools can facilitate the writing process, a balanced approach is essential to ensure that students develop their independent writing skills alongside their use of technology. Students' perceptions of AI tools play a critical role in shaping the effectiveness of these technologies in narrative writing.</p>2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dzakiah Dzakiah and Impact of Child Marriage (Case Study in Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi Province)2025-02-01T03:34:59+00:00Ulumuddin Ulumuddinariefpratmo@gmail.comRustina<p>This article aims to respond to the field reality in Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, that early marriage can have an individual impact. This research is field research with a qualitative approach, research data obtained through participatory observation in digging up information about the meaning of community marriage. The researcher concluded that marriage at an early age has an impact on emotional maturity, reproductive health and family resilience. In the aspect of emotional maturity, it causes divorce, while reproductive health causes maternal and child mortality rates to be higher. Furthermore, family resilience refers to the balance of access to fulfillment of basic family needs with access to resources to meet the needs of the family.</p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ulumuddin Ulumuddin, Rustina Rustina