Muslim Life in the Digital Era : Da’wah, Muamalah and Education

  • Moh. Rizal
  • Lukman S. Thahir


As a monotheistic religion, Islam has values and standards that cannot be compared to other religions in the world. Muslims accept and practice Islamic teachings with great love. The application of Islamic teachings by its followers, in addition to being based on love, is also because the application and practice of the teachings of this religion are considered to provide inner peace to its devout adherents. This phenomenon persists amidst the many "religions" that have emerged and then disappeared in the historical perspective. However, this is not the case with Islam, it has survived, increasing the number of its followers and continuing to show that it is in accordance with all places, times and conditions. Islam has been able to prove that its teachings are not teachings that are not in accordance with the development of the times, let alone contradictory. In the era of technology, both digital and other types of technology, the correlation between Islam and all its teachings with its truth proven by technology is increasingly being found. Verses that in ancient times were only believed in without any empirical proof, are now increasingly being scientifically proven to be true. In this article, the author will try to describe the existence of Islam in three dimensions of life, namely preaching in the digital era, muamalah and economic activities in the era of digital transactions and Islamic education facing globalization and educational issues that indirectly influence the Islamic education system whose concept comes from the Qur'an and hadith, while other education that is side by side with the principles of Islamic education, comes from the values of secularism and individualism. In this article, the author uses a library research method, namely by conducting research on library sources, both in books and online literature sources.
