The Influence of Code of Ethics and Competence on Teachers' Work Behavior at Mts Negeri Palu
This study aims to determine the influence of the code of ethics and competence both partially and simultaneously on the work behavior of teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Palu City. The code of ethics has indicators including norms of teachers' relationships with students, parents, peers, the community, professions and professional organizations, and the government. Competence has indicators including pedagogic, personality, social and professional competence. Work behavior has indicators including social skills, work quality, work habits and self-control. This study is a quantitative research using an ex post facto research design. The research population is all students in MTs Negeri 2 Palu City grades VII, VIII, and IX totaling 708 people. Sampling uses stratified random sampling, and 10% of each class so that the sample totals 84 people. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out with the SPSS version 25 program with a multiple linear regression analysis model. The results of the multiple linear regression test obtained a regression equation of Y = 0.620 + 0.291 X1 + 0.692 X2. The results of the t-test obtained a significance value of the code of ethics variable of 0.004 < 0.05 and a significance value of the competency variable of 0.000 < 0.05. This shows that the code of ethics and competence partially affects the work behavior of teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Palu City. In addition, the results of the F test obtained a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. This shows that the code of ethics and competence simultaneously affect the work behavior of teachers in MTs Negeri 2 Palu City. The coefficient of determination was obtained with the value of R Square = 0.588, the percentage of simultaneous influence of code of ethics and competence on work behavior was 0.588 or 58.8% and the remaining 41.2% was influenced by other variables. This study shows that the better the code of ethics and competence, the better the teacher's work behavior.
Copyright (c) 2024 Hasnirwana Hasnirwana, Jihan Jihan

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