The Problematics of The Dai BMQ Community in Preaching Islam to The Youth in Palu City

  • Hairuddin Cikka
  • Jumahir
  • Ma'rifah Nurmala
  • Oyan D. Taufik
  • Afdal Afdal
  • M. Fauzan


The BMQ Dai Community in their preaching activities in Palu City maintains a priority scale on the object of preaching, namely the younger generation as one of the elements of society, and they are expected to socialise the teachings of Islam in their lives. In accordance with the facts, they (the youth generation) always received a  preaching at least once to twice a week through lectures in mosques and recitations. But in reality, it turns out that the delivery of preaching  among the youth generation faces obstacles, particularly the limited time allocation for preaching. With regard to that, the solution offered is that there should be a special time allocation for the youth in the conveyance of preaching.
