Islamic Education in Public Higher Education and The Islamic Educational Institution in The Spotlight on The Midst Global Challenges
The term Islamic Education is usually understood as an academic subject or course in Public Higher Education (Pendidikan Agama Islam in Perguruan Tinggi Umum), as well as an institution such as Madrasah, Boarding School, and Islamic Religious College (Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam). Islamic education, both in the sense of an academic subject or course and as an institution has a problem that needs to be resolved in order for the Islamic education in the future has an appeal and even will give maximum contribution to the students or the college students and the community at large. The challenges of globalization today are also must be faced by Islamic education with its all potencies. Therefore in this paper it will be elaborated some problems of Islamic education both as a subject in Public Higher Education (Pendidikan Agama Islam in Perguruan Tinggi Umum) and as an institution in the midst of today's global challenges, and try to find the solution.
Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Safriani

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