Implementation of The Habituation Method in Forming The Spiritual Intelligence of Students at The Tahfidz Quran Ar-Rahim House in Palu
This journal discusses the implementation of the habituation method in forming the spiritual intelligence of santri at the tahfidz Quran ar-rahim house in Palu. The research used is field research using a qualitative approach. technique. Data collection through interview observation and documentation of data analysis techniques is carried out by reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the implementation of the habituation method in forming the spiritual intelligence of students at the tahfidz Quran ar-rahim house in Palu has been running optimally and effectively. It can be seen by changes in the habits of the students in their habit of worship, changes in morals and the students are able to interpret the religious activities they carry out. The refraction program that the students undergo is the tahajud prayer, the Dhuha prayer, the istighfar dhikr, the morning evening prayer, the Sunnah prayer 2 rak'ahs and reading the Asmaul Husna before going to bed. Supporting factors in implementing the habituation method are: the students themselves. such as the motivation of students to become Sholihah, Hafi, Zo to seek Allah's blessing and make their parents happy, as for the inhibiting factors in implementing the habituation method, namely the students themselves, such as feeling lazy, bored with the habituation program, oversleeping or menstruation, forgetting the activity habituation program. Additional activities that take up a lot of program time are monotonous for coaches and educators who are not optimal in controlling and reminding the students.
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