Religious Moderation: Humanist Values as the Basis of Interfaith Tolerance in Indonesia
Etymologically, the meaning of moderation comes from the English word moderation, which means moderation or moderation. The word moderation in Arabic is called al-wasathiyah, derived from the word wasath which means middle. Humanism according to Abraham Moslow is the concept of humanizing humans, encouraging the improvement of human quality through appreciation of the positive potential that exists in every human being. Humanism also views humans as subjects who are free to determine the direction of their lives and are fully responsible for themselves and also care for others. In this case, the author raises this paper with the formulation of the problem, how religious moderation and Islamic views on the concept of humanism and what are the values of humanism as the basis for tolerance between religious communities. The method used is a qualitative method, the results of this study are Tolerance in religion means that all religions can respect their own obligations and rights as religious adherents and their relationships with other religious adherents. But don't get it wrong in interpreting tolerance, tolerance is not combining Islamic beliefs and rules with religions other than Islam, but instead respecting other religions. It also produces several points on how the attitude of humanity can be built, namely, humanum, humanities and humanitas. As well as the values of humanism which are the basis of tolerance between religious communities, namely, the value of freedom, the value of cooperation, the value of willingness to sacrifice, the value of caring and the value of helping or mutual cooperation.
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