Use of Youtube Media in Learning the History of Islamic Culture in Class VIII Students of MTS Muhammadiyah Al-Haq Palu
The use of learning media can arouse more curiosity, provide psychological stimulation so that it motivates and attracts students' interest in deepening learning. This can increase students' knowledge, insight, and mental discipline in the learning process , especially learning Islamic Cultural History. This study aims to determine the use of YouTube media in the form of videos for learning Islamic Cultural History in class VIII in the 2022/2023 academic year. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. The unit of analysis in this study was MTs Muhammadiyah Al Haq Palu. The subjects in this study were teachers of Islamic Cultural History Subjects. The informants of this study were school principals, committee members, parents/guardians, teachers and students. Data collection was carried out through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data validity was carried out using source and method triangulation techniques. Data analysis techniques were performed using Miles Huberman's interactive data analysis techniques. The results of the study show that the use of YouTube media in learning Islamic cultural history in class VIII MTs Muhammadiyah Al -Haq Palu includes: Preparation for teaching, namely the teacher preparing an implementation plan for learning Islamic cultural history, preparing a YouTube link, facilities and infrastructure that support learning. The learning process in the core activities, namely: the teacher shows YouTube videos to be observed and discussed then presented and dialogued. The supporting factors are the availability of facilities and infrastructure as well as the existence of a special room for learning using video while the inhibiting factor is the internet network which is not good enough.
Copyright (c) 2023 Fatimah Fatimah, Askar Askar, Saude Saude

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