Implementation of Court Attitudes Towards the Character and Manner of Students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTS) DDI Soni
Education is very important to form character and the formation of good manners. Politeness this is what must be taught to children through character education. The purpose of this research see how to apply politeness to the character of students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah . There are two kinds Kinds of courtesy, namely politeness in language and politeness in behavior, can be seen that manners can be taught in character education in madrasas , in addition to the role of parents in educating children at home, as well as cultivating a 5S culture in schools is very important. In this research the reviewer used a qualitative descriptive method. It is hoped that with this research a polite culture polite in Madrasah Tsanawiyah can become more Good again.
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