Implementation of Religious Moderation Values in Forming Tasamuh Attitudes in Students of Madani Palu Integrated Model Senior High School
Moderate Islamic education can prevent students from radical behavior, both in attitude and thought. What happens from this moderation-based Islamic educational institution can have implications for the understanding of all Muslims to accept all forms of religious differences and can respect the beliefs held by others. The author formulates the formulation of the problem How is the implementation of religious moderation values in shaping the attitude of tasamuh in students of SMA Negeri integrated model madani Palu. The method used is a qualitative method, the results of the study mention the implementation of religious moderation values in shaping the attitude of tasamuh in students at the State Senior High School of the civilized integrated model of Palu runs very well with a fairly mature planning. The steps of the implementation of religious moderation values start from school policies, the role of teachers both in class and outside the classroom, as well as cooperation between students of SMA Negeri model integrated madani Palu.
Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Shadiq Muntashir, Hamka Hamka, Kamaruddin Kamaruddin

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