The Concept of Education According to Al-Ghazali
Al-Gazali is an Islamic philosopher who is famous not only among Muslims but also among non-Muslims. The greatness of al-Ghazali has made a deep impression on the soul of Muslims in terms of thought, character, and education. His knowledge is greatly widespread in various fields of science, especially in the fields of philosophy, faith, fiqh, kalam, Sufism, education, politics and so on. Talking about Islamic education, it must be talking about the concept of education. The concepts of Islamic education that exist today cannot be separated from the shadows of the concept of Islamic education in the classical era, which was born from the thoughts of the philosophers of Islamic education. According to Al-Ghazali, good education is a way to get closer to Allah and get happiness in the world and the hereafter. Al-Ghazali combines happiness in this world and happiness in the hereafter. Regarding the curriculum of Islamic education, Al-Ghazali said that the Quran and its contents contain the main points of knowledge. Its contents are very useful for life, cleansing the soul, beautifying morals, and getting closer to Allah. The purpose of Islamic education in Al-Ghazali's view is only to get closer to Allah. Al-Ghazali emphasized that an educator must have good norms, especially moral norms because educators are an example for their students.
Copyright (c) 2023 Muh. Nurhidayat, Suraya Attamimi, Dzakiah Dzakiah

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