The Influence of Teacher Teaching Style on Student Learning Enthusiasm in Fiqhi Subject in MAN 1 Palu
This research is field research where the author goes directly to the location to become the object of research to collect the data needed in research. The type of research is quantitative research with research instruments in the form of observation, documentation and questionnaires. The data collected were processed using statistical analysis program of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 17) and analyzed using a simple linear regression formula, Product Moment, and T testing.
Based on this orientation, the results of the study show there is a significant influence between variable X (teacher teaching style) and variable Y (student learning enthusiasm). This can be seen from the results of the comparison between t count with t table, where t count is 2.312 greater than t table which is 1.665. Then the result of the regression equation is Y = 71.287 + 0.0473X, meaning that the X regression coefficient of 0.0473 states that every addition of 1 value of b, then the value of a increases by 0.0473.
The conclusion is that Ha which states "there is a significant influence between the teacher's teaching style on students' learning enthusiasm in Fiqhi subjects in MAN 1 Palu" is accepted. So that the Teacher's Teaching Style can increase Student Learning Enthusiasm in Fiqhi subject at MAN 1 Palu.
Copyright (c) 2023 Moh. Rifaldi, Adawiyah Pettalongi, Dzakiah Dzakiah

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