Implementation of Learning Material on Worship Jurisprudence Using Graphic Media at Mts Al-Amanah Waikaya Karossa Sub-District, Central Mamuju District

  • Sugiarto Sugiarto
  • Bahdar Bahdar
  • Hatta Fakhrurrozi


This research discusses the implementation and effectiveness of teaching Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) worship materials using graphic media. The aim is to understand how the implementation  and effectiveness of teaching fiqh  worship  materials using graphic media at MTs Al-Amanah Waikaya are. The research method employed a qualitative approach, with data collection techniques including observation, interviews, and   documentation.   Data   analysis   techniques   used   were   data   reduction,   data presentation, and data verification. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of teaching fiqh worship using graphic media, based on the 2013 curriculum and fiqh subjects, mainly focuses on basic fiqh issues related to worship. Therefore, in implementing teaching, teachers use a variety of media such as concept maps, posters/images, whiteboards, and employ teaching methods like lectures, discussions, and question-and-answer sessions. The steps taken by teachers in the implementation process of teaching fiqh worship materials using graphic media include: As for the effectiveness of teaching fiqh worship using graphic media at MTs Al-Amanah Waikaya, it has been effective. This can be seen from the satisfactory learning outcomes of the students and their ease in understanding fiqh material quickly and actively participating with enthusiasm in the learning process. This was revealed through interviews with the students, who expressed their enjoyment, liking, and motivation when the learning process used graphic media (images and concept maps). The students also mentioned that graphic media helped them understand the lessons more easily. Therefore, it is clear that the use of graphic media at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Amanah Waikaya has been effective, as it has achieved its goals, saved time and energy, and stimulated the students' interest and enthusiasm for learning.
