Development of Audio Visual Media in Early Childhood Learning in RA Palu City

  • Nur Fhatila Dini
  • Askar Askar
  • Hamka Hamka


Learning using audio-visual media is related to the senses of sight and hearing so that it can streamline the ability of children's sensory organs and children easily capture a material raised in the learning video that focuses on learning the Worship Center. In this case, the author formulates the problem of how feasibility of developing audio-visual media in early childhood learning in RA Palu City. The method used is the Research and Development (R&D) method. the results of the research produced audio visual media that is feasible to use in early childhood learning. Audio visual media is made through a video application that can unite videos with interesting images so that it can make children interested in seeing and hearing this media. The results of validation trials by a team of validators received a valid category, and the results of limited trials by teachers received a feasible category. Therefore, learning using audio-visual media is expected to develop several aspects by providing stimulation in the form of moving images and sound, and conveying messages to influence attitudes and emotions.
