Problems In The Implementation of Early Marriage in The Religious Affairs Office (Kua) of Mamosalato Sub-District, North Morowali District (Analysis Of Law No 1 Of 1974) on Marriage And Islamic Law).
Early marriage in Indonesia is increasing from year to year. This problem has an impact on the quality of children, families, family harmony and divorce. Likewise, it is the cause of children dropping out of school. Not apart also in Tanasumpu Village Mamosalato sub district North Morowali Regency early marriage is also rife. Although law No. 16 of 2019 has been enacted, the minimum age limit for marriage for both men and women is 19 years old. From the background of this study was conducted.
The purpose of writing a thesis is to find out what is behind the Marriage Worth Certificate policy, seeing the reality of early marriage and its impact in Tanasumpu Village Mamosalato sub district North Morowali Regency and Marriage Worth Certificate as an effort to build family juridical. Through this approach the authors intend to search for and collect data directly from the relevant parties in Tanasumpu Village Mamosalato sub district North Morowali Regency or others. About the eligible Marriage certificate in relation to early marriage, the data collection method in this study consists of primary data obtained directly from the parties concerned. Secondary data consist of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials namely materials that provide primary legal explanations. As an explanation, tertiary legal materials are given.
Copyright (c) 2023 Ilham Ilham, Gasim Yamani, Sidik Sidik

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