School Transportation Management At Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta Paleleh

  • Ratna M Basiman
  • Saepudin Mashuri
  • Nurfauziah Mansur


The purpose of the research is to describe management of school transportation addresing to; organizing, programming, structure management, implementation, evaluation, problems and solutions. This study used a qualitative approach that was implemented through a case study. The data were collected using interviews, observation and documentation. Results showed the school transportation service was arranged by the foundation , referring to these management principle. Implementation and evaluation were managed by the foundation and involving the school organization. Some problems were encountered, but the solutions have been applied to solve them.

School transportation services are transportation for students to come and go back to school on time, safely and comfortably. According to Alfajri's conclusion (2012: 90), namely "for parents school transportation services make parents not worry anymore and lighten the burden on parents". This is because most parents are busy working so it is difficult to take and pick up their children from school. The role of special school services is to provide services to all school members, especially students to optimize the educational process in schools. "For students in particular, special services are aimed at serving students so that students obtain optimal learning results" (Mustiningsih, 2005: 8). With the school transportation service students will not be late coming to school and parents will also be helped because they don't have to bother have to take and pick up their children to and from school in the midst of their busy work.
