The Inculcation of Religious Islamic Education Values As A Prevention Effort in Committing Drugs Abuse in Students
In an increasingly sophisticated era, drug cases (narcotics and illegal drugs) are mushrooming in our country, many of whom have become users, sellers, and dealers. Drugs have entered freely in big cities and reached remote and rural areas. Its users range from parents to teenagers, considered the younger generation, and children who are still underage. There are various types of drugs, such as heroin, marijuana, morphine, ecstasy, fox glue, and methamphetamine. In Indonesia, drug use is not permitted except for the needs and interests of the world of medicine and medical treatment. It is also regulated in the Psychotropics law, and those caught carrying, selling, using, or even trading drugs will be subject to sanctions per the applicable laws. From a religious perspective, drugs are goods that can interfere with and even damage the working system of the brain, such as the mind, memory, and organs like the liver, lungs, kidneys, and even other vital organs. Therefore drugs are also included in the group that Allah SWT forbids. Prevention should be done as early as possible and be made a concern of all parties to prevent the younger generation and students who have not been contaminated with these illicit goods through Islamic education, as there is a saying that prevention is better than cure. Educational techniques must be introduced by introducing the dangers of narcotics to students and efforts to overcome them with education and early-age teachings.
Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Rifal Mubarak, Sidik Sidik, Saude Saude

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