The Effect Of Student Management On Achievement Students In Class VIII In Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 4 City Of Palu
This journal discusses the Influence of Student Management on Student Achievement at MTs Negeri 4 Palu City. The focus of the problem in this study is whether there is a direct influence of student management on student achievement at MTs Negeri 4 Palu City. The population of this study were teachers at MTs Negeri 4 Palu City. The sampling technique used was using the slovin formula n=n/1+N e 2 with a sample of 19 respondents from 24 teachers. Methods of data collection through questionnaires and interviews, the analysis technique used is simple linear regression analysis. The results of statistical processing assisted by the SPSS 16.0 for Windows program show that student management influences student achievement. The test results prove that student management has a significant influence on student achievement with a significant value of 0.000 below <0.05 and a t count value of 7.570 > t table of 2.093 with an R value of 0.878 /87.8% and an R Square value of 0.771/77, 1% with the value of the linear regression results, namely Y = 4.401 + 0.463 X, namely a constant value of 4.401 and a coefficient value of the X variable of 0.463. Based on the percentage, the influence is 77.71% and the rest is other variables.
Copyright (c) 2023 Zakiatul Fatanah, Askar Askar, Hamka Hamka

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