The Urgency Of Learning Multicultural-Based Islamic Religious Education At Public Senior High School 1 Poso, Poso Regency
Indonesia is one of the countries with a wide range of diversity that cannot be denied and eliminated as one of the gifts from the almighty creator. The diversity in Indonesia includes culture, ethnicity, tradition, religion, and belief. Likewise, Poso Regency, which can be said to be a miniature of Indonesia. The diversity of people in Poso Regency reflects the diversity of Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to reveal the Urgency of Learning Multicultural-Based Islamic Religious Education in SMA Negeri 1 Poso, Poso Regency. The type of research used was Field Research with SMA Negeri 1 Poso as the locus. The data collection technique used was observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique was through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Multicultural-based Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning is a learning process that respects all types of social, economic, religious, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. It seeks to instill respect for dignity, freedom of thought, and expression in every student. Thus, students will be embedded in attitudes that encouraging them to develop more optimally. In order for this multicultural PAI learning to be appropriately implemented, the PAI teacher first makes a syllabus and Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) guided by the general education curriculum and the PAI curriculum in particular. Several supporting factors for multicultural-based Islamic Religious Education learning are: (a) the school climate and culture, (b) the school curriculum, (c) the teacher's role, and (d) the student's role. The factors that inhibit the implementation of multicultural-based PAI learning at SMA Negeri 1 Poso include (a) lack of facilities and infrastructure, (b) lack of preparation of learning materials, and (c) differences in students' religious understanding backgrounds. The success of multicultural-based PAI learning can be seen from the collaboration in every school activity that involves teachers and students.
Copyright (c) 2023 Fandi Nur Cahyo Santoso, Adawiyah Pettalongi, Dzakiah Dzakiah

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