Increase interest in reading Islamic books for students through reading corner activities at Arina Munzalan Mubarokan Qur'an House Palu

  • Ana Anugrah Putri
  • Gasim Yamani
  • Saude Saude


This article discusses efforts to increase interest in reading Islamic books by students through reading corner activities at Arina Munzalan Mubarokan Qur'an House. This article is based on the formulation of the problem of how this reading corner activity can increase the interest in reading students at Arina Munzalan Mubarokan Qur'an House? The research method used is a qualitative method, the results of the study stated that the reading corner activities carried out at the Arina Munzalan Mubarokan Qur'an House can increase the interest in reading students. It can be seen from the enthusiasm of the students who were initially not interested in reading to be more enthusiastic when the activity took place.
