The Concept of Religious Education in the Age of Technology
Azyumardi Azra emphasized the importance of modernizing Islamic religious education so that the Islamic paradigm can be applied not only to Muslims but also throughout the world. The new national education paradigm also underscores the fact that Islamic educational institutions are basically community-based, namely community-based education. Revitalization of the learning system, educational units, elements of students, educators and education staff all play a role in the effectiveness of PAI learning such as the idea of Islamic religious education. If all important components in PAI learning education are able to keep up with the times, especially towards the use of digital, then the implementation of PAI learning education will become more digital, think creatively, be more imaginative, and dynamic. Descriptive and argumentative analysis used in this study. The results showed that the PAI learning process was needed to compete in the use of technology and information in learning activities. An PAI educator as an innovator in the field of Islamic religious education must be able to take advantage of digital learning applications through e-learning, namely Zoom, Google Meet, Discord, gSuite for edu, edmodo, kahoot, and learning houses, to make PAI learning more harmonious and able to generate generations. superior and capable Muslim.
Copyright (c) 2023 Suci Amika, Nurdin Nurdin, Kamaruddin Kamaruddin

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