Islamic Education Values in Totamma Messawe Custom in Mandar Tribe Mandar Sarude Village, Sarjo Subdistrict, Pasangkayu Regency
This paper discusses the Islamic Education Values in Totamma Messawe Custom in Mandar Tribe. The totamma messawe custom is a celebration devoted to children who have finished memorizing the Aur'an by raising children on horses called sayyang pattu'du and accompanied by tambourine or parrawana games and then paraded around the village. This custom was created by preachers who came to Mandar land. This custom is carried out when maulid time arrives.
This type of research is qualitative. The data sources of this research are: primary data, namely data obtained from field research, observation and from the historical lontar of the mandar tribe held by one of the mandar traditional leaders.
The results showed that the implementation of the totamma messawe custom contains Islamic values in it, namely the value of worship and moral values. The value of worship from the implementation of this custom can be seen from the requirements to follow this custom must have khatamAl-Qu'ran, reading barzanji, and marratas baca (repeating the reading of the Qur'an), while the moral values are, respect for Mandar women, giving religious advice (kalindada'), respecting teachers (mattandoi suju') and the establishment of friendship between local communities. From the conclusion that can be obtained that the totamma messawe custom is an ancestral heritage of the Mandar tribe which contains many Islamic values and must be maintained because it is a fairly effective way to motivate every child to want to learn the Qur'an.
Copyright (c) 2023 Nasrul Nasrul, Nurdin Nurdin, Askar Askar

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