The Correlation between Reading Speed and Reading Comprehension of the Tenth Grade Student’s at Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairaat Pusat Palu
Each student has different abilities so they can read at different speeds, some are fast and some are slow. Motivation, focus and word recognition all affect a person's reading speed. Understanding depth of comprehension in reading text is very important in speed reading, and this requires mastery of general techniques appropriate to the content, meaning, and form of reading. Research on reading speed and students' reading comprehension uses quantitative methods in order to be able to explain phenomena numerically and analyze the correlation between variables. Based on the data analysis, it was determined that a significant value for reading speed is 0.193 > 0.05 and a significant value for reading comprehension is 0.006 < 0.05. Because reading comprehension data is not normally distributed, the writer used the Shapiro Wilk technique. The correlation coefficient value is 0.742 after using the non parametric test Rank Spearman's rho. The two-tailed sig value is 0.000 a = 0.05. It is possible to conclude that there is a correlation between reading speed and reading comprehension.
Copyright (c) 2023 Rahayu Rahayu, Adawiyah Pettalongi, Saepudin Mashuri

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