The Transformation of Marriage Guidance Policy in the Office of Mutual-Based Religious Affairs Indonesia
This article will discuss the transformation of marriage guidance practices at the KUA throughout East Lampung, where this marriage guidance initially only contained general marriage materials such as rights and obligations and family planning, then there was a transformation of materials and products from inter-related marriage guidance or mutual facts. The purpose of this research is to see how effective the policy for the transformation of Binwin’s services is and to see what aspects of me are in the fact of the interplay. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method in which the author will interview the head of the KUA in East Lampung Regency to find out the interdependence-based binwin policy so that it is analyzed and conclusions can be drawn. The findings of this study are firstly several KUAs in East Lampung Regency have implemented new methods or transformations in the implementation of Marriage Guidance by providing materials that contain the values of mutuality in the household, secondly, the fact that mutuality is agreed upon by both catin, third, the policy is influenced by interrelated training. So that this research can be useful and become a recommendation, especially for KUA to apply methods and materials based on mutuality and in general for the field of Binmas Islam, the Ministry of Religion can formulate Binwin materials based on mutuality and of course so that this writing becomes a scientific treasure in the household.
Copyright (c) 2023 Safaruddin Safaruddin, Suraya Attamimi, Muhammad Syarief Hidayatullah

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