The Values of Islamic Education in the Manggeni Boti Tradition Among the Kaili Tribe in Pengawu Village, Palu City

  • Moh Fajar Saputra
  • Kamaruddin Kamaruddin
  • Hamka Hamka


The purpose of this research is a form of social investigation focused on how people interpret and understand their experiences and the world they live in. The research design or the plan of a study is a framework that guides researchers to obtain answers to their research questions. The researcher chose the location in Pengawu Village, Tatanga Sub-district, Palu City, Central Sulawesi. Additionally, the researcher is also a resident of Pengawu Village. This paper utilizes triangulation to test credibility, which is also defined as the process of cross-checking data through various sources, techniques, and time periods. To ensure the accountability of the data in this study as scientific research, a validity test of the data needs to be conducted
