Decree of the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 783 of 2019 in Realizing the Sakinah Heritage Program
The Sakinah Family Service Center or Pusaka Sakinah is a safe and comfortable space for society that have a function to facilitate or provide a continuously consultation and guidance to create a Sakinah family. The Sakinah Family Service Center Program is a real commitment of the Ministry of Religion's to ensuring national development through ideal marital harmony, including the provision of resources and budget. Then to ensure accountability and a good administration of the program, The Minister of Religious published the instructions regarding the implementation of the Sakinah family service center in the Decree of the Director-General of Islamic Community Guidance Number 783 of 2019 concerning Guidelines for Implementation of Sakinah Family Service. While the requirement for the guest speaker in guidance of family financial at least it taught by 1 (one) trained person (facilitator) who has followed and received a certificate of family financial technical guidance that conducted by the Ministry of Religion. The Implementation of the guidance can be held on a weekday or holiday at Religious Affairs Office
Copyright (c) 2023 Fahria Fahria, Suraya Attamimi, Fatimawali Fatimawali

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