The Implementation Of The Principal’s Supervision On Teachers’ Performance To Improve The Quality Of Learning At Sdn 1 Biau

  • Wirdaningsi Wirdaningsi
  • Nurdin Nurdin
  • Ahmad Syahid


Teacher is at the forefront of creating quality education. The teacher deals directly with the students in the class through the teaching and learning process. It is in the hands of the teacher, the quality of students will be produced, both academically, skillfully, emotionally and morally and spiritually mature. Thus, future generations will be produced who are ready to live with the challenges of their time. Islamic Religious Education (PAI) is a conscious effort or activity that is deliberately carried out to guide and direct students towards the formation of the main person (insan kamil) based on Islamic ethical values ​​while maintaining good relations with Allah SWT (Hablummin Allah) fellow human beings ( hablumminannas), himself and the natural surroundings. The research used descriptive qualitative research. The location of this research is at SDN 1 Biau School. The finding about the Role of Supervision in Improving the Performance of Islamic Religious Education Teachers Supervisors do not discriminate between PNS and non-PNS teachers, because supervision can assist teachers in assessing results and learning processes and teachers must be based on the curriculum that is being developed. Supervision activities carried out by the principal were basically providing assistance or assistance in developing a better learning situation at school. The aim of educational supervision undertaken by the principal was to assist teachers in schools to be able to carry out their duties as teaching educators to the fullest in order to create a better learning situation. Other factors that affected teacher performance are work climate and non-physical factors.
