The Effectiveness of Marriage Guidance in Creating a Sakinah Family (Studies at KUA Dolo Barat)
KUA is obliged to provide Marriage Guidance for those who are not married so that they can provide knowledge/understanding and skills in building a household life based on Regulation of the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance No. 379 of 2018 concerning Bimwin. the authors focus on research on "The Effectiveness of Marriage Guidance in Forming a Sakinah Family (Study of KUA Dolo Barat District)". The main problem in this research is how marriage guidance is carried out by KUA Dolo Barat in forming a sakinah family.
The purpose of this study, apart from wanting to add insight, the author also wanted to know about the procedures carried out by the KUA in carrying out marriage guidance, then the effectiveness of marriage guidance and the factors that influence the performance of KUA in carrying out marriage guidance.
This type of research is field research using a qualitative approach, this research is located at KUA Dolo Barat, sources of primary data and secondary data using observation, interview and documentation data collection methods, using deductive analysis.
The results of the study show that the marriage counseling conducted by the KUA Dolo Barat has been effective using several breakthroughs. While the factors that influence the performance of the Office of Religious Affairs in fostering a sakinah family are divided into two, namely supporting factors and inhibiting factors. as for the supporting factors, government regulation is getting better. Inhibiting factors include the following: The influence of technology has many negative impacts on society
Copyright (c) 2023 Hisyam Godal, Abidin Abidin, Gani Jumat

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