Analysis Of Light Intensity In The Library Of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Kota Palu Using The Android-Based Luxmeter Application
Lighting in the Library's reading room at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Kota Palu is the main concern because the lack of light intensity results in easily tired eyes, damaged eyes, and discomfort when carrying out reading activities. The reading room must have enough light under the standards that have been set. Light intensity measurement analysts use an android-based lux meter application to determine the value of light intensity, and this measurement is carried out to obtain whether the light intensity in the Library reading room has met SNI 6197:2011 standards or has not met the criteria. The android-based Luxmeter used can measure the light intensity in the Library reading room with a room area of 15.84 m x 7.87 m. Data retrieval is done by placing an android-based lux meter in four corners of the reading room. The measurement results with an android-based lux meter are compared with SNI to determine the effectiveness of light intensity in the reading room. The measurement data that has been carried out does not meet the SNI requirements for lighting in the library reading room; the average intensity value at 08.00 is 19.25 Lux, at 12.00 is 103 Lux and at 16.00 is 38.25 Lux.
Copyright (c) 2023 Hartati Hartati, Fusthaathul Rizkoh, Muhammad Djamil M Nur

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