Learning Management of Islamic Religious Education in Improving Social Attitudes of Students at SMA Negeri 1 Sindue Tombusabora, Donggala Regency

  • Moh Lambo
  • Askar Askar
  • Saepudin Mashuri


The development of the world of education today really needs the existence of science that is continuously developed. In reality, currently education has not been able to meet the expectations of most Indonesian people. This can be seen from how high quality the output produced from the educational process itself. Many efforts to improve the quality of education have been made where these efforts are based on recognizing the important role of education in developing Human Resources (HR) and cultivating the nation's character.  In the application of learning management, there are several aspects that need to be addressed and even improved through formal educational institutions. As a professional educator and has responsibility in the implementation of education in the classroom, carrying out the learning management process must have management knowledge and apply it so that students can learn effectively and efficiently which leads to the achievement of learning objectives including Islamic Religious Education learning management in improving the social of students at SMA Negeri 1 Sindue Tombusabora.
