The Concept of Spiritual Education of the Naqsyabandiyah Khalidiyah Tarekat in the Formation of the Congregation's Morals at Surau Kayumalue Palu
This writing is to discover the concept of spiritual education of the Naqsyabandiyah Khalidiyah Tarekat in the formation of the morals of its congregation in Surau (prayer hall) Kayumalue Palu. The research objectives are: How does the concept of Spiritual Education of the Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah relate to the formation of the morals of the congregation in Surau Kayumalue Palu in terms of the general patterns and specific patterns of their teachings? What are the supporting and inhibiting factors of the spiritual education of the Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah towards the formation of morals in Surau Kayumalue Palu. The method used in this study is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. From the discussion, it can be inferred that the concept of spiritual education for the tarekat Naqsyabandiyah has a general and specific pattern in the formation of the morals of its congregation, which is inseparable from three structural characteristics, namely mursyid, muri>d, and baiat. The successes that have been seen from following the spiritual education concept of the Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah are the spiritual enlightenment of its congregation, which is always connected or rabitah, the spiritual connection between the teacher and students; dhikr (remembrance) which is able to make students feel warm and calm; suluk, which is a form of training a soul that has its own rules and performs repeated dhikr; and ziyarah, which is a form of silaturrahim (gathering or visiting acquaintances) where students will receive advice from the teacher. Factors supporting the concept of spiritual education are a qualified teacher or Khalifa, a persuasive approach between the Khalifa and his congregation and the surrounding community, high discipline, and the obedience and devotion of his congregation that istiqamah. The inhibiting factors for developing spiritual intelligence in forming morals are the low level of awareness and dedication of the congregation, the indisciplined and inactive members of the congregation, and the congregation who is less obedient and persistent in participating in spiritual activities and concepts taught by their teacher.
Copyright (c) 2023 Ivan Ds Gommo, Rusdin Rusdin, Rusdin Rusdin
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.