Problems Of Learning Islamic Religious Education In Remote Areas (Case Study At Taranggi State Elementary School (Sd) Doripoku District, Pasangkayu Regency)

  • Muhammad Yasdar
  • Lukman S. Thahir
  • Sri Dewi Lisnawaty


This writing discusses "PROBLEMS OF LEARNING ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN REMOTE AREAS (Case study at Taranggi State Elementary School (SD) Doripoku District, Pasangkayu Regency). The problems are: What are the problems of learning Islamic religious education in SD Taranggi, Doripoku District, Pasangkayu Regency? and What are the efforts to overcome the problems?

In this study, the researchers used a qualitative research method which took the research setting in SD Taranggi, Doripoku District, Pasangkayu Regency. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation, while the data analysis techniques used were data presentation, data reduction and verification.

The results showed that the problems of learning Islamic religious education in SD Taranggi were divided into internal and external factors, which had problems from each factor. The internal factors include unprofessional teachers who only use one or two learning methods, lack of interest in learning, too burdensome curriculum, bad school management, and inadequate facilities and infrastructure. The external factors include the family environment that pays little attention to children's education and a less religious social environment. Efforts to overcome the internal factors are with teachers training, giving learning motivation to students, improving school management through school policies that are decided in teacher meetings, and inadequate facilities and infrastructure can be circumvented by using an environmental learning model. The external factors, parents' lack of attention to their children's education and a less religious environment, can be overcome by conducting outreach to parents of students.
