Professionalism And Challenges Of Pai Teacher At Smp Satu Atap Negeri 18 Sigi

  • Nur Wahyuningsih
  • Askar Askar
  • Ahmad Syahid


Professionalism is a term that refers to a mental attitude in the form of a commitment from the members of a profession to always realize and improve their professional quality. This study aims to determine the forms or elements of professional development and the challenges faced by PAI teachers at SMP Satap Negeri 18 Sigi. This research uses the method of qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The research location took place at SMP Satu Atap (Satap) Negeri 18 Sigi. Data collection techniques used were observation and interviews. Data analysis techniques included data collection, interpretation and reporting of results. The results of the study show that the professionalism of PAI teachers at SMP Satap Negeri 18 Sigi is reflected in ongoing professional development efforts, namely self-development consisting of functional activities and teacher collective activities. The functional activities of PAI teachers include participating in curriculum training and workshops and writing fictional language styles, while collective activities include being actively involved in MGMP PAI activities by discussing various issues while providing solutive improvements. The second is innovation development activities that focus on developing students' artistic and social competencies to respect each other. The challenges faced by PAI teachers are related to efforts to increase teacher work productivity and challenges in conducting published comprehensive research.
