Learning Creativity Of Adjunct Lecturer In Cultivating The Motivation Of Collage Student In 4.0 Era (Case Study In Faculty Of Islamic Teaching (Islamic Education) Departement University Of Datokarama Palu)

  • Gamal Suryaningrat
  • Sagaf S. Pettalongi
  • Hamlan Hamlan


This thesis discusses the learning creativity of adjunct lecturers in fostering student learning motivation in the digital era of FTIK Datokarama State Islamic University (UIN) Palu. student learning motivation.

This study uses qualitative research. This type of research provides an overview or description and describes empirical facts or in the form of oral statements about the learning creativity of non-permanent lecturers in fostering student learning motivation in the digital era. Primary data sources are interviews with non-permanent lecturers and fifth semester students and secondary data, namely interviews with the dean. Data collection methods are observation, interviews and documentation.

The results of the study show that the efforts of adjunct lecturers in learning in the digital era in fostering student learning motivation require lesson planning. Lecturers can design strategies, learning methods according to the needs and characteristics of current students such as collaborating between education and entertainment as well as non-permanent lecturer learning creativity in fostering student learning motivation in the digital era, including being a communicative lecturer, utilizing social media developments as a learning resource, making educational videos, integrating the latest issues or trends with learning materials.
