Social Media and Its Influence on the Morals of the students of MA Al-Ikhlas Poso

  • Abdul Kadir Abdjul
  • Sagaf S. Pettalongi
  • Lukman S. Thahir


Youth these days are able to adapt to any environment that they perceive as a new and exciting thing. Although sometimes they find it difficult to limit themselves from useless and harmful things. Psychologists often describe these dilemmas as phenomena and moments of identity crisis. This study aims to reveal Social Media and Its Influence on the Morals of MA Al-Ikhlas Poso Students. The type of research used is Field Research. The locus is MA Al-Ikhlas Poso. The methods used are observation, interviews, and documentation, and data analysis techniques used were data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The result shows that the most widely used social media accessed by MA Al-Ikhlas Poso students include: 1. Facebook, 2. Youtube, 3. Instagram, and 4. Online games. The positive effect that researchers found is that social media can make it easier to communicate with faraway people through SMS or calls using social media applications on smartphones. While the negative impact that the researchers found was that students often forgot to do their assignments, were lazy in studying, and often slept in class. Morals affected by social media, both positively and negatively, are morals towards others and themselves. The positive effect is maintaining communication with others even though they are not together. The negative effect is making someone behave defiantly towards others and themselves.
