Implementation of Akidah Akhlak Learning in Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni, South Dampal District, Tolitoli Regency
The implementation of Akidah Akhlak learning is the main pillar in shaping the morals of students, which becomes madrasas extra value in educational programs. This research aims to determine: 1) The form of implementation of Akidah Akhlak learning, 2) The use of methods, media and learning strategies, as well as supporting and inhibiting factors in learning Akidah Akhlak in Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni, South Dampal District,Tolitoli Regency.
The research design used in this research is qualitative research. Sources of primary data were from interviews with informants, in this case, the head of the madrasa and Akidah Akhlak teachers. The secondary data were obtained from literature relevant to the problems. The methods of data collection were interviews, observation, and documentation.Based on the analysis using Behavioristics learning theory in Thorndike's perspective, it shows that in Akidah Akhlak Learning, the teacher uses a stimulus in every lesson by 1) Providing reinforcement in the form of advice before and after learning is carried out; 2) Giving stimulus in the form of awards when learning is carried out well and giving guidance when students have not achieved learning objectives well; 3) Adapting to the learning conditions encountered in the classroom. Students' responses can be seen through their actions in following Akidah Akhlak learning process well. The results of this research show that 1). The purpose of implementing Akidah Akhlak learning is to instill in students a strong belief in Allah SWT., manifested through noble character toward themselves, fellow human beings and nature. 2). The implementation of Akidah Akhlak learning is carried out using direct face-to-face and online learning (E-Learning). 3). Akidah Akhlak learning uses a combination method between Lectures, Questions-and-Answers, discussions, and exemplary methods according to teachers' ability and the students' needs. The learning media used were still limited according to the abilities of teachers and madrasas. The strategy used was exemplary, where the Akidah Akhlak teacher and the educators in the madrasa try to make themselves an example and role model for students in the madrasa. 4) The obstacles that occur in the implementation of Akidah Akhlak are divided into Internal Barriers, including: 1) The limited number of Akidah Akhlak teachers, which is only one teacher to teach six classes; 2) Lack of professional training; and 3) lack of teaching aids for Akidah Akhlak subject in the madrasas.
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