Local Wisdom-Based Learning in Improving the Quality of Islamic Religious Education in SMA Negeri 1 and SMA Negeri 3 Poso, Poso Regency

  • Ibrahim Ismail
  • Juraid Abdul Latif
  • Adawiyah Pettalongi


Culture-based education is a mechanism that provides opportunities for everyone to enrich science and technology through lifelong learning. The emergence of a culture-based education paradigm emphasizes two major currents. First, it departs from the assumption of modernism which has reached its culmination point so that it tends to make people return to natural things. Second, modernization itself requires the creation of democracy in all dimensions of human life. Therefore, education must be managed more optimally by providing the broadest possible place for community participation with the content of cultural values (local policies) as part of the goals and content of education. As an implication, education becomes a collaborative effort that involves participation and the role of the wisdom of the cultural value system in it. Participation in this context is in the form of collaboration between citizens and the government in planning, implementing, maintaining, and developing educational activities in schools. The purpose of this research is to reveal Local Wisdom-Based Learning in Improving the Quality of Islamic Religious Education. The type of research used is Field Research. This research is conducted in SMA Negeri 1 and 3 Poso Regency. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation, and data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study reveal that there are several important points to be understood and applied in improving the quality of Islamic religious education in SMA Negeri 1 and SMA Negeri 3 Poso: culture-based Islamic religious education, the context of culture-based Islamic religious education, implementation of culture-based Islamic religious education, cultural-based Islamic religious education learning and the learning components of culture-based Islamic religious education. Education, especially Islamic religious education, is a form of concern for the development of students who grow according to their culture. In other words, every form of education must pay attention to the culture of students. The current curriculum tends to ignore that students are alienated from their own culture and feel that they are not part of the educational process. Students will feel valued when education is done properly according to local culture.
