The Impact Of Sis Aljufri’s Movement And His Contribution To Seeking Indonesian Independence

  • Idrus M. Said
  • M. Taufan. B
  • Rugaiyah Rugaiyah


This research aims to examine the traces of the character and struggle of the charismatic founder of Alkhairaat. The figure of Sayyid Idrus bin Salim Aljufri, abbreviated as SIS Aljufri, is the central figure of the educator as well as a fighter for the people of eastern Indonesia, especially in the city of Palu, Central Sulawesi. SIS Aljufri used Alkhairaat education as a basis for resistance against colonialism to seize independence. Real evidence of the struggle and contribution of SIS Aljufri can be seen and enjoyed today, the existence of madrasas or schools, Islamic boarding schools of various types, universities, hospitals, and Alkhairaat endowments that contribute to national economic development. The merits of the long and noble struggle from 1930-1960 to the present day should be awarded the title of heroism. The frame of reference for this paper is the biography of SIS Aljufri. The methodology and research method used is the historical method with a social history approach and a cultural approach to strengthening social history data where SIS Aljufri has a diaspora, especially in Palu City, Central Sulawesi. These two approaches were deliberately used to explain the impact of the struggle movement and the contribution of SIS Aljufri to Indonesia's independence. SIS Aljufri, who founded Pendidikan Alkhairaat in 1930 until he died in 1969, has undergone four government phases: the Netherlands, Japan, NICA, and the DI/TII and Permesta rebellion. The impact of the struggle and contribution of SIS Aljufri can be seen from Alkhairaat, which already has branches of Islamic Boarding Schools and various levels of Madrasas, with a total of 1653 Madrasas spread across Eastern Indonesia.
