The Effectiveness of Pre-Marriage Course in Overcoming Divorce (A Case Study in Religious Affairs Office of East Palu)
Marriage is an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife to form a happy and lifelong household based on the belief in the one almighty god. To create a household that is Sakinah mawaddah warahmah and to deal with divorce, the Religious Affairs Office (KUA) of East Palu conducts a pre-marriage course. This research focuses on the effectiveness of pre-marriage courses in tackling divorce. This research aimed to find out and provide information to the community about the procedures for implementing the pre-marriage course and its effectiveness in reducing the divorce rate. It is qualitative research using a normative juridical approach conducted in KUA of East Palu. The data sources used were primary and secondary data, with data collection methods of observation, interviews and documentation. After the data were collected, the writer analyzed them using descriptive analysis. The results showed that: 1) the procedures for implementing the pre-marriage course at the KUA of East Palu were organized by the Head of KUA, Penghulu and Extension Officers as fasilitators. The methods used are lectures, discussions, questions and answers and simulations of cases in the household. There are 4 materials for a pre-marriage course given at the East Palu KUA: a) Ability to read the Qur'an, b) Thaharah, ablution, obligatory bath, questions and answers about prayers, c) Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, and d) Sakinah family. The time ranges from about 15 minutes to two hours. In addition, each fasilitator added material they thought was necessary for the bride and groom to know. 2) The effectiveness of the pre-marriage course at the KUA of East Palu, viewed from J.P Chambel's theory, towards the divorce rate is not effective because the divorce rate is still high in the East Palu District. In 2017, there were as many as 54.75%.
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