Active Learning Strategy Based On “Mosintuwu And Posintuwu” Local Wisdom On Islamic Religious Education At Sma Negeri 3 Poso

  • Muh. Mahfuddin
  • Sagaf S. Pettalongi
  • Askar Askar


The occurrence of globalization in the last decade has resulted in the cultural heritage and traditional values ​​of indigenous peoples facing challenges to their existence. Preservation efforts need to be made to take the substantive meaning of local wisdom, where the community must open awareness, honesty and a number of other noble cultural values ​​to be socialized and developed into a dignified life principle. One of verbal-based local wisdom still exists in the Poso community, Poso district is Mosintuwu and Posintuwu. The local wisdom turns out to be full of meaning which is then not impossible to adopt in the framework of learning strategies. The purpose of this research is to make Mosintuwu and Posintuwu a concept of learning strategy based on local wisdom, especially in learning Islamic Religious Education. The type of research used is Field Research. The locus is SMA Negeri 3 Poso, Poso Regency. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation and the data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The research results reveal that two local wisdom can be used as learning strategies in Islamic Religious Education subjects. Besides being able to be used as a learning strategy, it is also to preserve the values ​​contained in the local wisdom, namely Mosintuwu and Posintuwu. The Mosintuwu and Posintuwu learning strategy is a strategy that emphasizes the active, thorough, elaborative and religious learning process to seek and find answers to the problems students face, both in the learning process in the classroom and in the environment, so that it is expected to foster creativity and self-confidence.
