Management of Extracurricular Activities at a Superior Islamic School (Case Study at Al-Fahmi Integrated Islamic Elementary School, Palu City)
The quality of extracurricular activities in an educational institution is one of the indicators of the quality of education in it as a whole. Extracurriculars seem to be a brand image for schools / madrasahs that will increase bargaining prices to prospective enthusiasts. The existence of fierce competition in the extracurricular field that has occurred in the world of education recently is proof that schools must try in such a way to be able to manage educational activities properly and of high quality. Al-Fahmi Palu Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) is one of the leading Islamic Schools established on February 22, 2005, located on Jl. Gelatik, North Birobuli, South Palu District, Palu City, Central Sulawesi Province.
The objectives of the study: 1) To find out how the management of extracurricular activities at al-Fahmi Integrated Islamic Elementary School in Palu city, 2) To find out what are the supporting and inhibiting factors of extracurricular activity management at Al-Fahmi Integrated Islamic Elementary School in Palu city.
This research uses a qualitative research approach method with a case study research design. The research location is at the Al-Fahmi Integrated Islamic Elementary School, Palu City, using observational data collection techniques, interviews and documentation. The type of interview used is a semi-structured interview.
The results showed that: (1) The management of extracurricular activities at SDIT Al-Fahmi Palu already exists and has been implemented, including: First, planning a work program at the beginning of each periode new school year, the things planned are teachers, students, facilities and schedules of activities; Second, the implementation of extracurricular activities is grouped into two, namely, mandatory extracurriculars and selected extracurriculars. The implementation of extracurricular activities is carried out in accordance with a predetermined schedule accompanied by teachers / trainers in each field of extracurricular activities; Third, evaluation of extracurricular activities is carried out once every three months. Things that are evaluated include targets that have been set, such as the target of the champion that the school wants to achieve. Evaluation and assessment of extracurricular activities is also carried out by holding a meeting at the end of the School year by assessing and measuring the extent of the success of extracurricular activities that have been achieved in the planning and programs that have been determined against the proposed program as materialfor comparison and evaluation in the following year. (2) Supporting factors in the implementation of extracurricular activities are facilities and infrastructure, funds, students, and guidance teachers who are competent in their fields. Factors that hinder it are student attendance, lack of funds, and students' abilities that are not well distributed.
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