The Effect Of Online Promotion Media On Interest Saving A New Neighborhood Community At BRI Sharia Palu Branch

  • Rosan Gusmawan
  • Marzuki Marzuki
  • Gasim Yamani


This study aims to analyze the effect of online promotion media on saving interest in the people of the Baru village at the BRI Syariah Bank Palu Branch.

Promotional media becomes a reference for every individual in carrying out all their activities in order to get the desired results. The development of the Islamic banking industry in Indonesia has started since the enactment of Law (UU) number 10 of 1998, namely banks have great opportunities in developing the Islamic banking industry.

This study uses quantitative research with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and distribution of questionnaires/questionnaires. The sampling technique was carried out randomly, data collection used statistical data analysis research instruments with the aim of testing predetermined hypotheses.

The population in this study was the entire community of the Baru village. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling technique, which is a random sampling technique without regard to the existing strata in the population. With the number of samples taken a number of 99 people in the village of Siranindi. In processing the data, this study uses the SPSS 16.0 program. This study uses simple linear regression analysis.
