The Effect of Prenatal Education On Character Forming of Children In Tsanawiyah Madrasah (MTs) DDI Soni

  • Herusandi Herusandi
  • Sidik Sidik
  • Sitti Hasnah


Education is a necessity imposed by Islam to all parents and educators to instill faith in the hearts of children and the realization of Islamic law. Through education will produce a generation who believe and have extraordinary intelligence, it is the duty of parents to always provide education as a whole as well as education before birth (tarbiyahqablawiladah). This paper aims to determine the effect of prenatal education in shaping the character of children. Where it can be seen that many factors affect prenatal education including a crucial thing, the personality of the parents. Of parents who have good morals that would give birth to a generation that Islamic. Other factors are genetic factors, intelligence factors, factors of food consumed by pregnant women as well as environmental factors both family environment and community environment.
