Increasing Vocabulary of Grade VIII Students at Mts Luqmanul Hakim Ngatabaru Through Flashcards

  • Andi Ihwal Ilham
  • Adawiyah Pettalongi
  • Dzakiah Dzakiah


The objective of this research is to find out if using flashcards can increase students’ vocabulary of grade VIII students at MTs Luqmanul Hakim Ngatabaru. The researcher used quasi-experimental design with two classes, experimental class and control class. The experimental class consisted of 24 students and control class consisted of 20 students selected through total sampling technique. In collecting data, the researcher administered pretest and posttest to both the experimental class and control class. The data were analyzed statistically in order to find out the significant difference of students’ achievement before and after treatments. Using 0.05 level of significance and 42 degree of freedom (df), the researcher found that the value of t-table was 2.019, which was lower than the of t-counted (4.65. It means that the hypothesis is accepted. In other words, using flashcards can increase students’ vocabulary.
