Application of Extracurricular Activities in Shaping the Character of Students in Gontor Poso Modern Islamic Boarding School
The problems that afflict Indonesian youth today are many and varied, including drug abuse, premarital sexual relations, fights, a decrease in social solidarity, a decrease in the spirit of nationalism, a spirit of defending the country, and a decline in unity. If we want to explain well, the Indonesian state is indeed a personal crisis, namely: a moral/economic, legal, social and political crisis
This research is related to the application of additional activities in the formation of the personality of the santri. the goal is to reveal additional activities carried out by the student of Gontor Poso Modern Islamic Boarding School Disclosure of the application of additional activities in the formation of the character of student of Gontor Poso Modern Islamic Boarding School
This research follows a qualitative model in the form of field research. The types of data in this study are primary data and secondary data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative method with data reduction analysis, data presentation and conclusion drawing
An overview of the implementation of additional activities in shaping the character of santri of Gontor Poso Modern Islamic Boarding School education begins with giving assignments to students who will later carry out these tasks well and from these tasks their personalities can be formed into superior human beings based on the motto of the cottage. There are many types of activities that students do in shaping their personality.
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