Determination of Dowry in Marriage According to Islamic Law

  • Suci Rahmadani Simorangkir
  • Muhammad Akbar
  • Fatimawali Fatimawali


This article discusses the giving of dowry in marriage (study of Islamic law). The main topic of discussion in this article is knowing Islamic law regarding dowry in marriage, the author takes references from the Qur'an and schools of thought which are expected to be a reference for the preparation of articles that the author has compiled. Furthermore, the article that the author adopted aims to find out Islamic law in determining the dowry and how to determine the dowry. The author uses qualitative research with data collection techniques used, namely using library research techniques sourced from books or data sources in research, namely primary data and secondary data. The results of the article that the author has compiled are the results of several schools that become references in seeing the intent of the dowry, in Islamic law the dowry is not set at what level but from the ability of men who want to apply for women he wants to marry, but cultural customs are often a problem in determine the marriage dowry. Whereas Islamic law explains that anything can be a dowry as long as the bride accepts the gift from the man.
